
FAPESP and Intel announce result of call for proposals Versão em português

FAPESP and Intel announce result of call for proposals Academic research on hardware implementation aspects of post-quantum cryptography will be funded (photo: Intel)

FAPESP and Intel announce the result of a call for proposals to select and fund academic research on hardware implementation aspects of post-quantum cryptography.

With the rapid development of quantum computing technology comes the potential for polynomial-time algorithms for solving the ostensibly hard mathematical problems underlying modern public-key cryptography (integer factorization, discrete logarithm, elliptic curve discrete logarithm).

Post-quantum cryptography explores alternative public-key algorithms that are believed to be resistant to quantum computer attacks utilizing Shor’s algorithm. 



Marcos Antonio Simplício Júnior
Escola Politécnica / USP

Efficient Post-Quantum Cryptography for Building Advanced Security Applications

FAPESP grant number: 2015/50520-6

The call for proposals is available at:

Page updated on 04/27/2016 - Published on 04/27/2016