
About UK-Brazil Frontiers of Science

The UK-Brazil Frontiers of Science symposium is one of the major international events of the Royal Society’s 350th anniversary year. The symposium is being organised by the Royal Society, FAPESP (Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo - The São Paulo Research Foudation), and Academia Brasileira de Ciências (Brazilian Academy of Sciences), and will take place from Friday 27 to Monday 30 August 2010 at the Hotel da Fazenda Dona Carolina, Itatiba (near the city of Campinas) in São Paulo State, Brazil. We are also grateful
to the British Council, the UK Department of Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) and the British Consulate in São Paulo for their support.

The Frontiers of Science programme is a prestigious series of international meetings for outstanding early career scientists, initiated by the US National Academy of Sciences in 1989, and which has since been adopted by a number of national academies and scientific organisations around the world. Frontiers of Science meetings are designed to bring together future leaders in science in all disciplines in an environment which encourages informal networking and discussion, and to explore opportunities for international and cross-disciplinary collaboration.

Participants are encouraged to think about the ‘big questions’ at the frontiers of their field and those of others, and to identify new and emerging scientific challenges on the horizon of current knowledge.

76 outstanding early career scientists (with up to 20 years postdoctoral experience) will participate: 33 from the UK, 35 from Brazil and 8 from Chile, nominated by our Chilean partner, the Academia Chilena de Ciencias (the Chilean Academy of Sciences). These scientists will introduce a wide range of sessions on cutting edge research in their fields, designed to inform, inspire and capture the imaginations of their counterparts in other countries and disciplines; to forge new links; and to stimulate debate on some of the key issues in international scientific research in 2010.

The event will be broadcast online, and a DVD will be produced, with a view to fostering long-term cooperation across national boundaries after the conference. Through the generous support of the British Council, some of the UK participants will also take part in a wide range of outreach activities including public lectures and visits to schools, laboratories and universities in Brazil.

Page updated on 08/20/2010 - Published on 08/20/2010