

1. Introduction

The São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) Brazil and Cognitive Science and Technology Council of Iran (CSTC) launch a call for joint research projects among interested researchers affiliated with Higher Education or Research Institutions in Iran and researchers affiliated with Higher Education or Research Institutions in the State of São Paulo in the field of interdisciplinary Brain and Cognition Studies.

The goal of CSTC and FAPESP is to form and strengthen collaboration among interdisciplinary teams of Brazilian-Iranian researchers proposing joint research in FAPESP and CSTC areas of common interest, in the frontiers of science and technologies as well as on transferring and developing cognitive services and tools for the two nations. Please see item 2 below for Research Themes.

2. Research Themes

2.1 Human Brain Mapping

2.2 Cognitive Assessment and Rehabilitation Tools and Services

2.3 Developing 4D (Temporal, Electrical, Chemical, and Optical) Brain Interface tools; non-invasive and invasive

2.4 Brain and Cognition Studies for Education

2.5 Social Cognition

3. Funding

The CSTC is prepared to fund the projects with a total of up to USD 30,000 per project/per year. FAPESP is also prepared to fund for the equivalent amount of up to USD 30,000 per project/per year. As a general rule, the funding is for two years with a balanced contribution from each Agency. No more than 3 (three) projects will be funded.

4. An alysis and selection

4.1 Each Party will select the proposals according to its own procedures. Only the proposals selected by both Parties will be funded.

4.2 The evaluation criteria include:

- scientific quality and innovativeness of the research plan

- feasibility of the research plan

- competence and expertise of the applicants from both countries

- added value generated by Iranian-Brazilian research collaboration

The mobility of researchers will also be considered in the review.

4.3 Proposals that do not comply with the terms of this Call will not qualify for analysis

4.4 Considering the results announced under this call for proposals, FAPESP and CSTC will not accept reconsideration requests.

5. Joint research plan

The application shall include a joint research plan (research project) written by applicants from Iran and from the State of São Paulo. The research plan shall involve a clear description of the planned collaboration (distribution of work and methods of implementation) and the added value to be expected from the collaboration. The research plan shall include both a joint budget and separate budgets for both partners. For further detail, refer to item 8.1. and 8.2.

6. Funding principals and eligibility criteria

6.1 The projects maximum duration, non-extendable, is 24 months.

6.2 For the applicant researcher in the State of São Paulo, the collaborative proposal must be submitted to FAPESP as a Regular Research Award (available at

6.3 For the applicants from Iran, the proposal should be submitted under the fifth announcement for research project at CSTC.

6.4 Applicants from Iran and from the State of São Paulo must satisfy the eligibility criteria of Iran and FAPESP, respectively.

6.4.1 For FAPESP: the eligibility criteria for the Regular Research Award are available at

6.4.2 For the CSTC: Nationally high competent researchers affiliated with Higher Education, Knowledge-based companies, or Research Institutions in Iran are eligible to apply as a principal investigator.

7. Timeline

Call announced on FAPESP and CSTC websites

November 28, 2016

Closing date for submission of proposals

February 21, 2017

Successful proposals notified

From May 31, 2017

8. Submission conditions

8.1 Specific to FAPESP:

8.1.1 Submission to FAPESP will follow the usual rules for Regular Research Award (, including the eligibility criteria.

8.1.2 The proposal, submitted in English, shall contain a Joint Research Plan (the same submitted to CSTC) with a maximum of twenty (20) pages of scientific content.

8.1.3 Applicants in the State of São Paulo must submit to FAPESP through a customized path of the SAGe system (please, see Anexo 1 below, in Portuguese).

8.1.4 Important: Since November 01st, 2016, before submitting a proposal it is mandatory to attach a scanned copy of the Identity Document to the SAGe´s registry. (Access path: " Meus dados > Alteração de Cadastro "; attach the requested document in the “Documento de Identificação" section of the “Identificação” tab). This requirement applies to all beneficiaries and Principal Investigators of Research Grants and Scholarships.

8.2 Specific to CSTC

8.2.1 Joint research plan is required same as 8.1.2.

8.2.2 Submitted proposal, Level-1 projects' form available in the CSTC website, contains at least the followings:

a) Detailed description of the project strategies, approaches and stages

b) Detailed timeline: maximum duration of two years is acceptable

c) Detailed budget: equipment, salary, traveling, trainee's cost, and etc.

d) Principal investigator, co-investigators, collaborators, and other team members' academic record. Principals Investigators' full CV, from both sides, is also required to be submitted along with the proposal (refer to 9.2.4).

9. How to apply

9.1 The Proposal as specified in the previous section must be submitted before February 21, 2017, both to FAPESP by the Principal Investigator from the State of São Paulo and to CSTC by the Principal Investigator from Iran.

9.2 No proposal will be accepted after the closing date for submission, nor will any addendum or explanation be accepted, unless those explicitly and formally requested by FAPESP or CSTC.

9.3 Submissions to FAPESP can only be accepted through SAGe system (please, see Anexo 1 below, in Portuguese).

9.4 For submission to CSTC, applicants must first register and complete their profile at CSTC website ( and use their CSTC portal to register their applications online before the deadline. CSTC only accepts applications online; hand-delivered, mailed, or emailed applications will not be considered.

9.5 Proposals submitted by any other means will not be accepted. Late submissions will not be reviewed.

10. More information

All questions related to this Call for Proposals must be directed to:

Dr. Simone Godoi
Science Manager – Health Sciences
Email: chamada_

Prof. Abbas Haghparast
Secretary of the Iran-Brazil Collaboration Desk
Cognitive Sciences and Technologies Council


Anexo I – Instruções específicas sobre o uso do SAGe

1. É necessário que o Pesquisador Responsável pela proposta seja cadastrado no sistema SAGe:

(i) Pesquisadores que não possuem cadastro no SAGe devem inicialmente realiza-lo acessando a página do SAGe no endereço, clicar em Sem cadastro? e preencher os dados solicitados. Não basta apenas cadastrar-se como usuário, é necessário completar os dados cadastrais;

(ii) Pesquisadores do Estado de São Paulo, já cadastrados, devem realizar o login no SAGe com identificação e senha usuais para acessar a página inicial do sistema.

2. Na página inicial, selecionar, dentre as opções do menu “Acesso Rápido – Atividades do Pesquisador”, o link Nova Proposta Inicial;

3. O sistema disponibilizará na página seguinte o menu “Incluir Proposta”;

4. Em “Chamadas Vigentes”, clicar sobre o link da Chamada de seu interesse;

5. O sistema disponibilizará na página seguinte o menu “Incluir Proposta” para confirmação a chamada selecionada. Clicar no botão Incluir para iniciar a elaboração de sua proposta.

6. A partir daí incluir os dados solicitados em todas as abas, inclusive a lista de documentos a serem anexados;

7. No caso de dúvidas, na página inicial do SAGe pode ser usado o link Manuais e, na página Manuais, buscar esclarecimentos na lista Manuais de Apoio aos Pesquisadores.


Page updated on 11/28/2016 - Published on 11/22/2016