The UK Academies/CONFAP - Fellowship and Research Mobility
FAPESP, CONFAP (National Council for the State Funding Agencies) and The UK Academies (The Academy of Medical Sciences, the British Academy, the Royal Academy of Engineering, and the Royal Society of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) signed a Memorandum of Understanding to encourage and support increased capacity in Brazil in the area of research and innovation (
Specifically for the Newton Fund opportunities, announced by CONFAP, applicants from the State of São Paulo must adhere to the following guidelines concerning the submission of funding requests for the support of visiting researchers from the UK. These guidelines refer to the item 1.b and 2.b of the Annex 2 of the MoU (
1. Introduction
a. The UK Academies, specifically the British Academy, the Academy of Medical Sciences and the Royal Society, will offer Newton International Fellowships and Newton Advanced Fellowships to the Brazilian research community, covering the fields of natural sciences, social sciences and humanities, and medical (including clinical and patient-orientated research) sciences. For further details, see Annex 1 of the MoU.
b. Specifically the British Academy, the Royal Society and the Royal Academy of Engineering, will also offer Mobility Grants to the Brazilian research community, covering the fields of natural sciences, social sciences and humanities, and engineering. For further details, see Annex 1 of the MoU.
c. The participating FAPs will offer scholarships, grants and mobility support to visiting researchers coming from the United Kingdom. Proposals in all areas of knowledge will be welcome. For further details, see Annex 2 of the MoU.
2. Funding opportunities offered in this announcement for UK visiting researchers to visit research groups in São Paulo, Brazil:
The guidelines below refer to the following modalities offered by FAPESP, both of them through Visiting Research Grants ( Please note that proposals in all areas of knowledge are welcome.
a. Research Mobility: offering support for research missions bringing to the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil, researchers from the United Kingdom for collaborative activities with researchers from Universities and Research Institutions in the State of Sao Paulo, whom not necessarily coordinate an ongoing FAPESP grant.
b. Research Fellowship: offering fellowships and grants to visiting researchers from the United Kingdom who will stay in São Paulo for the development of scientific research in Universities or Research Institutions in the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil. For this modality, the UK researcher must be associated to a FAPESP PI (host researcher) in charge of an ongoing grant of the following types: Thematic Projects Awards, Research, University-Industry Cooperative Research (PITE), Innovation and Dissemination Centres –RIDCs, or Young Investigator Awards supported by FAPESP.
3. Eligibility for submission to FAPESP
a. For the visiting researcher from the UK: the visiting researcher must hold a PhD degree and be a staff member of a University or Research Institute in UK.
b. For the host researcher in São Paulo, Brazil:
b.1) Research Mobility: the host researcher must have a PhD degree and be eligible for the FAPESP modality Visiting Researcher (
b.2) Research Fellowship: the host researcher must have a PhD degree and be eligible for submitting FAPESP Visiting Researcher grants ( and must be a Principal Investigator or a co-Principal Investigator in a FAPESP Thematic, CEPID, or Young Investigator Award grant.
b.2.i) Please note that the visit must happen while the research grant to which it is associated is active.
4. Funding conditions
a. For the Research Mobility, two types of missions can be considered:
a.1) For missions from seven (7) days to up to one (1) month:
a.1.i) Airline ticket and health insurance.
a.1.ii) Daily support by FAPESP value to be paid according to FAPESP’s per diem table of values.
a.2) For missions from one (1) month to twelve (12) months:
a.2.i) Airline ticket and health insurance.
a.2.ii) A monthly scholarship from R$ 10.360,20 to R$ 15.400,50 (the value of the scholarship will be suggested by the host investigator and confirmed by FAPESP upon merit review).
b. For the Research Fellowship
b.1) A monthly fellowship with value ranging from R$ 10.360,20 to R$ 15.400,50 (the level is to be suggested by the host investigator and confirmed by FAPESP upon merit review), from six (6) to up to twelve (12) months.
b.2) Airline ticket and health insurance.
b.3) Scholarship for one undergraduate student to be supervised by the visiting researcher.
b.4) The PI in charge of the grant to which the visitor will be associated may request to FAPESP supplementary funds in the amount up to R$ 25,000.00 for every six months of stay of the visitor. This grant is to be used for research related consumable materials, services, and travel.
5. Proposal Characteristics
Applicants from the State of São Paulo must submit the required documentation for FAPESP, as described below.
a. A proposal statement having a maximum of five (5) pages of scientific content, written by the FAPESP PI and by the prospective visitor, in English, including the following:
a.1) A substantive description of the research activities to be performed, emphasizing their relevance and expected results.
a.2) Performance indicators for the planned activities.
a.3) Other actions that will add to the impact of the exchange for the Partner Institution and for the Host Institution in the State of São Paulo, e.g. by means of seminars, workshops, short courses and visits to other institutions that carry out research activities in cognate areas.
b. For the Research Fellowship modality (4b), a one-page summary of the FAPESP funded research project to which the proposal relates, including:
b.1) Current and expected results;
b.2) An objective description of how the ongoing project to which the proposal is associated will benefit from the activities;
b.3) A description of the expected academic gains for the ongoing research project resulting from the proposed visit;
b.4) A description of the infrastructure and funding available for the research project, excluding the expenses requested in the proposal.
6. Submission of proposals to FAPESP
a) Proposals must be submitted to FAPESP through a customized path of the SAGe system (please, for additional guidelines regarding the online submission please consult Annex I – In Portuguese) by the applicant from the State of São Paulo before the deadline.
b) Proposals submitted by any other means will not be accepted.
c) No proposal will be accepted after the closing date for submission, nor will any addendum or explanation be accepted, unless those explicitly and formally requested by FAPESP.
d) All the documents required by SAGe platform must be attached to the online submission. Proposals lacking mandatory documents will be returned without merit review.
7. Analysis and selection
All valid proposals will be evaluated using the regular procedures for each FAPESP grant modality.
8. Results of the selection
The results will be announced by FAPESP at
9. Contract for selected projects
Selected proposals will be the object of a grant contract (at FAPESP) to be signed by the host PI (co-applicant) in the State of São Paulo and a representative of the Higher Education and Research Institution to which he/she is affiliated.
10. Grant cancellation
FAPESP may cancel funding if, during the grant timeframe, a fact is of sufficient gravity to justify cancellation, at the discretion of the Scientific Director, without prejudice of any other appropriate actions.
11. Information about this Call for Proposals at FAPESP
The questions related to this Call for Proposals must be directed to Dra. Bruna Musa, e-mail
Anexo I: Instruções específicas para uso do SAGe (Guidelines for SAGe submission)
1. É necessário que tanto o Pesquisador Responsável pela proposta (do Estado de São Paulo) quanto o pesquisador visitante (do exterior) sejam cadastrados no sistema SAGe:
(i) Pesquisadores que não possuem cadastro no SAGe devem inicialmente realiza-lo acessando a página do SAGe no endereço, clicar em Sem cadastro? e preencher os dados solicitados. Não basta apenas cadastrar-se como usuário, é necessário completar os dados cadastrais;
(ii) Pesquisadores do Estado de São Paulo, já cadastrados, devem realizar o login no SAGe com identificação e senha usuais para acessar a página inicial do sistema.
2. Na página inicial, selecionar, dentre as opções do menu “Acesso Rápido – Atividades do Pesquisador”, o link “Nova Proposta Inicial”.
3. Na seção Chamadas Vigentes, selecionar e clicar no link desta chamada de propostas: UK Academies/CONFAP - Pesquisador Visitante do Exterior / Chamada de Propostas (2017).
4. O sistema disponibilizará na página seguinte o menu “Incluir Proposta” para confirmação da chamada selecionada.
5. Clicar no botão Incluir para iniciar a elaboração de sua proposta.
6. A partir daí incluir os dados solicitados em todas as abas, inclusive a lista de documentos a serem anexados.
7. Atenção para a obrigatoriedade de preenchimento de todos itens marcados com “ * ”. É necessário submeter o projeto ao final do preenchimento. Projeto salvo não significa projeto submetido.
8. No caso de dúvidas, na página inicial do SAGe pode ser usado o link Manuais e, na página Manuais, buscar esclarecimentos na lista Manuais de Apoio aos Pesquisadores.
9. IMPORTANTE: Recomenda-se fortemente verificar periodicamente as pendências da proposta utilizando a opção “Validar” do SAGE. Isso pode ser feito repetidas vezes, à medida que a proposta for construída, permitindo que sejam tomadas em tempo as providências necessárias à submissão. Ao selecionar a opção “Validar”, o sistema SAGe apresentará as pendências impeditivas para submissão da proposta considerando os itens que foram inseridos. Em caso de dúvidas sobre a utilização do SAGE, além dos Manuais, a FAPESP disponibiliza ainda atendimento pelo Setor de Informações (11 3838-4000).
Atenção: A partir de 01/11/2016, para submissão de proposta, passa a ser obrigatório anexar uma cópia digitalizada do documento de identificação no cadastro do SAGe. (Acessar menu “Meus dados > Alteração de Cadastro” e anexar o documento solicitado na seção “Documento de Identificação” na aba Identificação). Esta obrigatoriedade se aplica a todos Beneficiários e Responsáveis em propostas de Auxílios e Bolsas.