Nilva Kazue Sakomura Versão em português

Nilva Kazue Sakomura

Advisor to the General Coordination – Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences 2

Professor of Animal Science Department, Faculty of Veterinary and Agrarian Science – UNESP Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho”– Jaboticabal, São Paulo, Brazil.

MS in Animal Science, Veterinary and Agrarian Science Faculty – UNESP (1982), Ph D in Poultry nutrition, Universidade Federal de Viçosa (1989), Pos doc in Poultry nutrition, University of Arkansas, Fayettiville – USA (2001).

Main areas of interest: Evaluation of ingredients for poultry, Evaluation of feed additives (enzymes, probiotics, prebiotics, phytogenic feed additives) for poultry, Modeling Nutritional requirement of poultry and fish.

Her research line has been centred on establishing energy and amino acid requirements for growth and production based on modelling procedures of the genetic growth potential and dietary energy and amino acid efficiency of utilization. Based on such researches, we have developed models to simulate growth, egg production and nutritional requirements.

Page updated on 09/17/2024 - Published on 03/12/2018