
Joint Call for Proposals - FAPESP and Weizmann Institute of Science (WIS) Versão em português

Call for Proposals offering funding for research projects selected jointly by FAPESP and WIS


The São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP), Brazil and Weizmann Institute of Science (WIS), Israel, announce this call for proposals for joint research projects.

Closing date for proposals submissions:

22th of July, 2019

FAPESP scheme:

Regular Research Awards, with the exceptions indicated in item 4.1 a

Maximum duration of the project:

Up to 24 months


For FAPESP: the eligibility criteria for the Regular Research Award are available at with the exceptions indicated in item 4.1 a
For WIS: Senior Scientist or above

Submission of proposals:

To FAPESP: Applicants in the State of São Paulo must submit to FAPESP through the SAGe system.
To WIS: All proposal should be submitted in electronic format (WORD or PDF file) to Yael Karhash (

Contact FAPESP:

Simone Godoi – email:

Contact WIS:

Yael Karnash – email:

WIS Announce of Opportunity:

1. Introduction

The São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP), Brazil and Weizmann Institute of Science (WIS), Israel, launch this second call for joint research projects. The aim is to promote and strengthen collaboration between researchers affiliated with Weizmann Institute of Science and researches affiliated with Higher Education and Research Institutions in State of São Paulo.

2. Research Themes

This call for proposals is open for all areas of knowledge.

3. Funding

Weizmann Institute of Science will support the researchers from WIS and FAPESP will support the researchers from the State of São Paulo.

3.1. WIS will provide funding of up to the equivalent of US$50,000 (fifty thousand dollars) per project per year and FAPESP will provide funding of up to the equivalent of US$31.340,00 (thirty-one thousand, three hundred and fourty dollars) per project per year;

3.2. Funding is for 2 years;

3.3. WIS and FAPESP will fund a maximum of 3 joint projects within this call for proposals.

4. Submission conditions

WIS and FAPESP will accept only one proposal per Principal Investigator. More than one PI from each side may participate in a proposal as Associated Researcher.

The application shall include a joint research project written by applicants from WIS and from the State of São Paulo. The research project shall involve a clear description of the planned collaboration (distribution of work and methods of implementation) and the added benefit to be expected from the collaboration. The research project shall also include a table with the budget requested, clearly and separately, to FAPESP, by the PI from the State of São Paulo and to WIS by the PI from Israel.

4.1. Specific to FAPESP:

Submission to FAPESP will follow the usual rules for Regular Research Award (, including the eligibility criteria and exceptions below:

a. FAPESP considers eligible to submit proposals to this call: Principal Investigators of ongoing research projects funded by FAPESP within the following FAPESP funding modalities: Thematic Projects, Young Investigators Research, Innovation and Dissemination Centers (CEPIDs/RIDCs). Co-Principal Investigators of ongoing Thematic Projects and Innovation and Dissemination Centers (CEPIDs/RIDCs) are also eligible to apply;

b. One Post-Doctoral (PD) fellowship can be requested as a budget item only if the proponent, who will be the fellowship supervisor, meets the criteria outlined in;

b.1. The PD fellowship will be implementedaccording to regulations given in;

b.2. The duration of PD fellowship cannot exceed the duration of the grant and the supervisor/advisor must be the PI of the grant;

c. The total budget requested to FAPESP must including “Reserva Técnica”,”Reserva de Importação” and possible fellowship.

5. How to apply

The proposal must be submitted to WIS and FAPESP, in English, and shall contain a Joint Research Project with a maximum of twenty (20) pages of scientific content, including:

a. Abstract - up to 4000 characters; References – one page;

b. Preliminary results - not more than 3 figures;

c. Budget: Including manpower, disposables, specific requirements and travels (up to 2 travels per group);

d. Curriculum Vitae: Up to 2 pages with the 5 most relevant publications over the past 7 years.

5.1. The Proposal, as specified above, must be submitted before 22th July, 2019 to FAPESP by the Principal Investigator from the State of São Paulo and to WIS by the Principal Investigator from WIS;

5.2. Only proposals submitted both in the WIS as FAPESP will be reviwed;

5.3. No proposal will be accepted after the closing date for submission, nor will any addendum or explanation be accepted, unless those explicitly and formally requested by FAPESP or WIS;

5.4. Submissions to FAPESP can only be accepted through the SAGe online platform, available at

a. The specific path for this opportunity is: Nova Proposta Inicial > “Chamadas Vigentes” > WIS – Projeto de Pesquisa - Regular / Chamada de Propostas (2019).The WIS Principal Investigator must be registered at the SAGe platform before been able to be chosen as the partner researcher in the proposal. This must be done in the English version of SAGe and choosing the option “Not Registered?” Only the data fields marked as “*” are obligatory. After being appointed at the proposal, the PI from WIS must confirm participation;

5.5. Proposals submitted by any other means will not be accepted;

5.6. The Principal Investigators at Weizmann Institute of Science must submit all proposals, via e-mail to Yael Karhash (;

5.7. Late submissions will not be reviewed.

6. Evaluation Process:

FAPESP and WIS will receive and review the proposals according to its own criteria and rules.

6.1. After the revision of the proposals, FAPESP and WIS will conjointly decide which proposals will be funded;

6.2. Only proposals approved by FAPESP and WIS will be funded.

7. Timeline

Call announced on FAPESP and WIS websites

27th June, 2019

Closing date for submission of proposals

22th July, 2019

Successful proposals notified

From 21th October, 2019

Expected start of funded projects

From November, 2019

8. Intellectual Property

In case of approval, a compromise document should be formulated between the host institution in the State of São Paulo and WIS establishing how Intellectual Property rights, confidentiality, and authorship of publications resulting from the joint support will be treated. This document (which may be a Memorandum of Understanding or a Letter of Agreement) is not mandatory for a proposal to be accepted for evaluation, but no approved project will be contracted before the presentation of a copy of the document signed by both parties.

It is highly recommended that the PI from the State of São Paulo contact the Partner Institution, as soon as he/she learns the result from this call, to start negotiating the agreement.

9. Information about this call

All questions related to this Call for Proposals must be directed to:

Simone Godoi
Science Manager – Health Sciences

Yael Karhash
Grants Administrator