
NSF-FAPESP International Collaborations in Chemistry Program - 2011/2012

International Collaborations in Chemistry 

A joint NSF-FAPESP program 

General information for the applicants from São Paulo institutions

This document describes the instructions for São Paulo applicants of joint NSF/FAPESP Research Grant Proposals under the terms of the Letter of Agreement for the International Collaborations in Chemistry (ICC) signed between both Institutions.

1. This joint NSF/FAPESP research funding program shall receive joint research proposals, prepared by researchers from universities and research institutions in the State of São Paulo, Brazil, and US investigators, to develop collaborative research projects into the ICC program.

1.1 Target Research Fields:
- Chemical Synthesis
- Chemical Catalysis
- Theory, Models and Computational Methods
- Chemical Measurement and Imaging
- Chemical Structure, Dynamics and Mechanisms
- Macromolecular, Supramolecular and Nanochemistry
- Environmental Chemical Sciences
- Chemistry of Life Process 

2. FAPESP and NSF will inform their respective community about these opportunities jointly.

3. The joint proposal must have two Principal Investigators, one in São Paulo and one in US. They will be the central contact for the project management towards FAPESP and NSF, respectively.

4. The proposal evaluation will be according to the regular procedures used by FAPESP and NSF. The proposals will be funded only if they are approved on both sides.

5. The results will be announced jointly.

6. Proposals will be submitted in two steps:

6.1 A preliminary proposal to be submitted by the PI in the US to the NSF.

6.2 If the preliminary proposal is approved by the NSF then a full proposal will be submitted to both NSF and FAPESP.

7. The proposers in São Paulo must already be Principal Investigators or co-PIs of ongoing projects in the following FAPESP lines: Regular Research Awards, Thematic Projects, Young Investigators, or Research, Innovation and Dissemination Centers (CEPIDs/RIDCs).

8. Preliminary proposals:

8.1 According to NSF procedures, the PI in the US will submit a preliminary proposal before the deadline set by the NSF.

8.2 The preliminary proposal must be submitted according to the NSF requirements, including 2-page biographical sketches of the investigators in São Paulo.

9. Full proposals (for the preliminary proposals selected by NSF):

9.1 The full proposals, to be developed in 3-years, can be sent after the NSF decision about the preliminary proposal until the deadline of January 11, 2012.

9.2 The full research proposal, submitted in English, both to FAPESP and NSF, must be accompanied by the proper forms required by each institution (NSF or FAPESP) for regular research grants.

9.2.1 In the State of São Paulo. proposals should be submitted to FAPESP as Regular Research Awards ( and must comply with the additional conditions set out in this document.

9.2.2 In addition to the usual expenses, FAPESP will cover for collaborative activities such as mobility expenses (travel costs, living allowances, and insurance costs) for researchers and graduate students. The participation of students and early career researches is encouraged.

9.3 The full research proposal, submitted by the PI in São Paulo to FAPESP shall contain:

9.3.1 Research Proposal form specific for this call and Researcher’s Registration form.

9.3.2 Summary of the CV of the Principal Investigators and collaborating researchers on both sides, FAPESP and NSF. Biosketch instructions at:

9.3.3 Description of the research team in both countries. FAPESP specific form at:

9.3.4 Budget worksheets specifically designed for this Call (please enclose detailed budget according to FAPESP standards).

9.4 The proposal submitted to FAPESP must be accompanied by a detailed budget of items to be financed by FAPESP itself, according to the required forms for regular research grants. A summary of the items to be financed by the NSF counterpart must also be attached.

9.5 Research project with a maximum of fifteen (15) pages, must be identical in content with the proposal of the US investigators submitted at NSF, including the following items:

a) Summary of the project to which the proposal is related, including current and expected results;

b) Description of which lines of activity of the ongoing project of the PI in São Paulo related to the proposal will benefit from the exchange;

c) Description of which lines of activity of the ongoing or proposed project of the PI in US will benefit from the exchange;

d) Description of each researcher and institution involved on the São Paulo and US side;

e) Description of the expected academic gains for the project as a result of the proposed cooperation, emphasizing their singularity and specificity;

f) Details of the activities foreseen in the exchange, objectively described, including justification and relevance, and the definition of the corresponding performance indicators. The role of the technical team from the executing institution must be explained;

g) Description of infrastructure and financial resources available for developing the research project in São Paulo and in US, excluding the mobility expenses requested in the proposal;

h) Actions to add to the impact of the exchange in the research activity in the State of São Paulo and in US, by means of seminars, short courses, visits to other institutions that carry out research activities in cognate areas;

i) Timeline of each research mission.

j) Possible actions to promote future participation in multinational projects sponsored by FAPESP, NSF and/or other agencies.

k) Official document stating the formal commitment of the US host institution, guaranteeing the availability of the facilities and equipment to develop the project (for researchers in São Paulo this is already stated in the submission form that must be signed by the institution’s Director).

10. In case of approval, the research projects will be funded by each partner institution to benefit their own community of researchers. Funding will be granted from the regular budgets of NSF and FAPESP. There will not be available specific funds for NSF/FAPESP research grants.

11. The cognizant persons for this announcement are:

11.1 FAPESP: Mr. Alexandre Roccatto, Research Collaborations

11.2 NSF: Dr. Zeev Rosenzweig, Program Director
telephone: (703) 292-7719, email:

(The FAPESP e-mail above is no longer valid)