711 results
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FAPESP and British Council announce result of call for proposals
Published on November 14, 2017FAPESP and the British Council announce the result of a call for proposals launched under Newton Fund’s Institutional Links program. The aim was to select and fund cooperative research on Rural Development and Biodiversity. The call was open to collaborations between researchers from São Paulo State and UK. To FAPESP, the proposals should follow the rules of the Public Policy Research Program. Selected proposal: Coastal Biodiversity and Public Policies: [...] -
FAPESP and NSF will fund research in biodiversity
Published on November 06, 2017The São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) and the National Science Foundation (NSF) announce a new call for research proposals and invite researchers to submit projects for scientific cooperation through their programs BIOTA and Dimensions of Biodiversity. This call for proposals is based in a broader call for proposals published annually by the NSF Dimensions of Biodiversity’s Program, which invites the participation of US researchers to apply for NSF’s regular funding or [...] -
SPRINT has its fourth call for proposals in 2017
Published on October 31, 2017The São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) announces the fourth call for proposals in 2017 under the SPRINT – São Paulo Researchers in International Collaboration initiative. The call for proposals has the purpose of promoting the engagement of researchers affiliated with higher education and research institutions in the State of São Paulo in partnership with researchers abroad in order to: further develop qualitatively the ongoing research projects and work cooperatively, aiming at [...] -
FAPESP announces result of SPRINT 2/2017 call
Published on October 30, 2017The São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) announces the result of the second call for proposals in 2017 under the SPRINT – São Paulo Researchers in International Collaboration initiative. The call for proposals has the purpose of promoting the engagement of researchers affiliated with higher education and research institutions in the State of São Paulo in partnership with researchers abroad in order to further develop qualitatively the ongoing research projects and work [...] -
FAPESP announces the call results with universities of Birmingham and Nottingham
Published on October 26, 2017The São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP), the University of Birmingham and the University of Nottingham announce the result of a joint call for proposals to fund research and the exchange of researchers under the scientific cooperation agreements among FAPESP and those institutions. The call for proposals was open to proposals in any field of knowledge, submitted by researchers affiliated to the University of Birmingham and the University of Nottingham, in the United Kingdom, and [...] -
FAPESP and European Union will fund research in water resource management
Published on October 25, 2017FAPESP announces a call for proposals to fund water resource management research projects in support of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The call is issued in partnership with the Brazilian National Council of State Funding Agencies (CONFAP) and the European Union through the Water JPI Initiative. The research themes must address challenges in assessment of multiple pressures (hydromorphological changes, anthropogenic pollution, biological contamination, natural hazards, etc.) [...] -
Research collaboration with the UK will be funded
Published on October 23, 2017The São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP), the National Council for the State Funding Agencies (CONFAP) and the State Funding Agencies (FAPs), Brazil, the Academy of Medical Sciences, the British Academy and the Royal Society, United Kingdom, announce a new call for proposals. In São Paulo, the call is open for UK researchers to visit research groups in the State. FAPESP also offers opportunities for young investigators from the UK to start a research career in a university or research [...] -
FAPESP announces new call for proposals with BBSRC
Published on October 05, 2017FAPESP and the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC), one of the UK Research Councils (RCUK), announce a call for proposals to fund collaborative research projects between researchers from the State of São Paulo and the United Kingdom. BBSRC-FAPESP Joint Pump-Priming Awards will focus on anti-microbial resistance and insect pest resistance in agriculture. The opportunity is supported by Newton Fund. The call will be managed as a two-stage process [...] -
FAPESP and British Council announce result of call for proposals
Published on October 04, 2017The São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) and the British Council announce result of call for proposals issued in April, 2017, at the scope of the cooperation agreement among both institutions. The call’s aim was selecting and funding workshops to be coordinated by one researcher from a United Kingdom institution and one researcher from a São Paulo State institution, therefore allowing scientists early in their careers to built bridges for future collaborations and to stimulate new [...] -
FAPESP announces new call for proposals with the Belmont Forum
Published on October 03, 2017The São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) announces a new call for research proposals with the Belmont Forum, group of member organizations with the mission to encourage research on global changes. The "Scenarios of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services" call also includes BiodivERsA, a network of national and regional funding organisations promoting pan-European research on biodiversity and ecosystem services. BiodivERsA is funded under the Horizon 2020 ERA-NET COFUND [...] -
FAPESP announces the result of research internships in Italian universities
Published on September 28, 2017FAPESP announces the result of the call for proposals for supportting short and medium term research internships in Italian universities. The call was based on the cooperation agreement signed on February 1st, 2017, between CONFAP and the University of Bologna, acting as technical secretariat of the network of Italian universities, and is issued under the Mobility CONFAP/Italy Program (MCI). Selected proposals: Research at the University of Bologna (Universita [...] -
FAPESP and ANR announce result of call for proposals
Published on September 22, 2017The São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) and the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR), France, announce the result of a call for collaborative research proposals issued in 2016. The aim was to select and fund collaborative research projects between researchers from the State of São Paulo and researchers from France. Selected proposal: Spatio temporal analysis of pediatric magnetic resonance images Processo / Grant [...] -
FAPESP and Microsoft announce new call for proposals
Published on September 18, 2017FAPESP and Microsoft announce a new call for proposals under the cooperation agreement between the institutions. Research projects that generate knowledge about computer vision and deep learning with application on urban mobility, public, industrial and infrastructure safety, and retail will be selected and funded. Possible research topics include: Computer vision theory. Action recognition from RGB video. Object tracking. [...] -
São Paulo – Canada cooperation in industrial research and innovation wil be funded
Published on September 05, 2017The São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) and the National Research Council of Canada (NRC) announce the first call for proposals under the framework of the agreement signed between the parties. The aim of the call is to promote and facilitate bilateral research and innovation projects between companies from the State of São Paulo and from Canada. Industrial research and development projects should demonstrate the technological and mutually beneficial contribution of [...] -
FAPESP and King’s College London announce new call for proposals
Published on September 05, 2017The São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) and King’s College London announce a new call for joint research projects. The aim is to promote and strengthen collaboration between researchers affiliated with King’s College London and researchers affiliated with higher education and research institutions in the State of São Paulo. This is the second edition of the call for proposals for collaborative research by FAPESP and King’s College London. In the first [...]