About the Program
The FAPESP QuTIa (Quantum Technologies Initiative) Program in Quantum Technologies aims to accelerate quantum technological advances and solidify the scientific and technological leadership of São Paulo and Brazil. This program promises transformative impacts in a variety of areas, from secure communications to information processing.
Mission and Motivation
The mission of the QuTIa Program is to promote the development of an ecosystem of quantum technologies to boost the scientific and technological leadership of São Paulo and Brazil in various areas of knowledge. We seek to explore the vast potential impacts of these technologies, from advances in healthcare, agriculture, and cybersecurity to solutions to complex computational problems through quantum computing. Our goal is to position São Paulo as a leader in the development of these technologies, establishing it as the leading innovation center in Latin America for advances in sensors, communications, and quantum computing, as well as fostering the development of startups and attracting global investment and talent to the region.
Quantum technologies are revolutionizing several areas of knowledge, allowing the development of sensors with unprecedented sensitivity, secure communications, and the resolution of complex computational problems. In the state of São Paulo, the academic community is actively involved in the development of these technologies, exploring the fundamental building blocks of sensing, communication, and quantum computing. Our program seeks to drive these advances by supporting research and development in these areas vital to the future of technology.