
Call for Proposals - Strategic Research Collaboration in Food Science in the State of São Paulo, Brazil and Denmark – 2016 Versão em português

A collaboration between Innovation Fund Denmark and The São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP)

Call for proposals for joint research collaboration under the Scientific Cooperation Agreement between Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo – FAPESP and the Innovation Fund Denmark (IFD). The agreement can be found at: (Portuguese) and (English) and here at

1. Introduction

2. Purpose

3. Research topics

4. Funding principles and project duration

5. Proposal characteristics

6. Eligibility checking

7. Submission of proposals

8. Assessment criteria, evaluation and selection

9. Timeline

10. Contact

1. Introduction

FAPESP and the IFD hereby invite researchers from universities, research institutions and private companies in the State of São Paulo, Brazil and Denmark who conduct research within the food science area, to apply for funding for joint Brazilian-Danish strategic research projects according to the current call.

The proposals must be prepared jointly by Brazilian and Danish researchers. In the State of São Paulo, Brazil, eligible applicants are researchers who comply with the Thematic Project or Regular Research Awardseligibility criteria. In Denmark, the call is open for any Danish proposers who comply with the IFD criteria for eligibility.

The project must be written jointly by Brazilian and Danish researchers and must reflect unison close cooperation. It is expected that research activities of importance to the expected outcome are being conducted on both sides and that the project volume and the intellectual contribution is evenly balanced between Brazilian and Danish researchers.

2. Purpose

For both regions, it is of major importance to provide solutions within the field of food science in order to accommodate to the challenges related to “Bio-refinery" and/or “Food and Health”. The aim of this call is that the funded projects deliver considerable and tangible results at the end of the project period.

This call defines the terms and conditions for the submission of joint proposals. FAPESP and the IFD will jointly support up to four research projects under this call.

This call is announced simultaneously by FAPESP and the IFD at:

FAPESP: (English)



3. Research topics

This call invites joint research proposals within the following research topics:

A. New sources of bioactive compounds and new ingredients for functional and fortification purposes in foods.

B. Biological non-food products from waste residues.

C. Healthy and sustainable food/meals based on animal, marine or plant components, with retained nutritional values, produced from emerging new technologies.

D. Innovative research within agriculture, food production, food processing and other biological production based on for example information and communication technologies, robotics, nanotechnology, biotechnology and/or user driven innovation.

E. Improved food and feed value chain by sustainable and efficient use of natural resources, production methods, systems and processes, including storage and logistics, and technologies that minimize waste and improve productivity.

F. Research in food safety and quality aspects related to perishable food products.

G. The relation between diet and lifestyle, including factors determined by changes in work and leisure; the interaction between diet and genes; the development of improved and well-founded dietary recommendations which will contribute individually or in combination to an improvement in health at the individual, group and country level.

4. Funding principles and project duration

FAPESP and the IFD expect to jointly fund maximum 4 projects with a total amount (sum of costs charged to FAPESP and the IFD) of around U$S 2,960 million for all projects. Requested funding may cover research and travel expenses (for example, payroll expenses, research training, equipment, travel costs, living allowances and insurance costs) according to each institution’s guidelines. The project volume should be the same on both sides.

Specifically under this Call for Proposals the duration of the proposed research projects shall be:

i. Thematic Projects: 48 (forty-eight) months, non-extendable;

ii. Regular Awards: up to 36 (thirty-six) months, non-extendable. Specifically in this case the total budget requested to FAPESP (including “Reserva Técnica”, ”Reserva de Importação” and possible scholarships), should be up to US$88,000 per proposal with duration of 36 months. For proposals with lowest duration, the maximum requested value must be proportionally smaller.

5. Proposal characteristics

5.1 Proposals (both Danish and SP state PIs)

The proposal must be submitted to both IFD and FAPESP, and must be identical.

Deviations are only accepted when related to specific institutional requirements from either FAPESP or the IFD (these are available locally; please refer to the respective institutional websites, according to sections 2 and 7 of this call).

Please note that the proposal will not be considered if submitted only to FAPESP or to IFD. The joint research proposal must be submitted simultaneously to the IFD and FAPESP.

5.2 The proposal, submitted in English to both IFD and FAPESP, must contain:

A. A summary of the Principal Investigators’ CV (both the Danish and the Brazilian Principal Investigators) with a maximum of two pages. For Brazilians PIs please see the guidelines at

B. A detailed national budget worksheet for either FAPESP or the IFD (according to institutional requirements). An overview of the partner’s budget has to be submitted to either FAPESP or the IFD in addition to the detailed national budget.

C. A research project with a maximum of ten pages of scientific content, including the following items (deviations from the template are not accepted):

1. Summary of the research project to which the proposal is related, including current and expected results.

2. Description of the added value and synergy of the collaboration.

3. Description of each researcher and institution involved on both sides.

4. Description of the expected academic gains for the project as a result of the proposed collaboration.

5. Details of the activities foreseen in the collaboration, including justification, relevance and impact.

6. Description of the infrastructure and other financial resources available to the research project.

7. Additional activities to the collaboration, i.e. seminars, short courses and visits to other research institutions.

8. The timeline of the entire project.

9. Possible actions to promote future participation in multinational projects.

6. Eligibility Checking

6.1 Letter of Eligibility (only SP State PIs)

Researchers interested in proposing at any of FAPESP’s funding modalities must necessarily consult FAPESP at the address mentioned in section 10 ( regarding their eligibility before initiating the preparation of a joint proposal.

Eligibility Inquiries will be accepted up to November 25th, 2016.

To proceed the eligibility checking the researchers from the State of São Paulo (Pesquisador Responsável) must send to the e-mail mentioned above (until November 25th, 2016) the following documents in order to obtain a letter from FAPESP declaring their eligibility to submission of proposal under this joint opportunity:

i. Sumula Curricular (updated and in the FAPESP model);

ii. The title and summary of the collaborative research project;

iii. The name of the Danish collaborative PI and institution.

Only the researchers considered eligible will be able to apply the Proposal as detailed below in the item 7.

7. Submission of proposals

Proposals must be submitted simultaneously to FAPESP (on line application – via SAGe, please see the Annex I below - only in Portuguese) and to the IFD (E-application) following the guidelines below:

i. For proposers in Denmark through the E-application system provided here (Please remember to fill in the additional form “DSF Bilateral form”);

ii. For applicants in the State of São Paulo, Brazil, in accordance with the detailed guidelines for Thematic Projects found at or Regular Projects Awards found at (available only in Portuguese).

iii. Important: Since January 11nd, 2016, before submitting a proposal it is mandatory to attach a scanned copy of the Identity Document to the SAGe´s registry. (Access path: " Meus dados > Alteração de Cadastro "; attach the requested document in the " Documento de Identificação" section of the “Identificação” tab). This requirement applies to all beneficiaries and Principal Investigators of Research Grants and Scholarships.

No proposal will be accepted after the closing date for submission, nor will any addendum or explanation be accepted unless those explicitly and formally requested by FAPESP or the IFD. Proposals submitted by any other means other than the E-application system in Denmark and on line submission via SAGe in the State of São Paulo will not be accepted.

8. Assessment criteria, evaluation and selection

FAPESP and the IFD will select the proposals according to their respective institutional procedures and assessment criteria.

As additional bilateral assessment criteria emphasis will be put on the following:

  • The potential impact of the research and the quality of the research;

  • Added value and synergies achieved through the joint cooperative research project;

  • Integration of the bilateral research project (one project not two parallel projects);

  • Participation of relevant private enterprises and/or public partners other than the main applicants.

The applicants are encouraged to provide a thorough description of the mentioned bilateral aspects.

Only proposals selected and prioritized by both sides will be funded jointly. The final selection is to be decided by a joint committee with representatives from both FAPESP and the IFD.

9. Timeline

- The call is announced on the 1st of November, 2016 at the websites of FAPESP and the IFD;

- The closing date for require the “Eligibility Letter” is November 25th, 2016 (only SP State PIs);

- The SP State PIs will be notified about the result of the eligibility checking by FAPESP until December 11th, 2016;

- The closing date for the call (deadline for the submission of Proposal) is 1st of February 2017 (both Danish and SP state PIs).

- The Principal Investigators of the selected proposals in Denmark will be notified directly by the IFD at the end of May 2017 and, at the same time, a list will be made public at the FAPESP website and individual communications to the Principal Investigators in São Paulo will be issued;

- The funded project/projects are expected to start in middle of 2017.

By the end of the project, no later than the beginning of 2021, the final report including a common evaluation of the project is to be submitted to both FAPESP and the IFD.

10. Contact

All questions related to this call must be directed to:

Simone Godoi
Science Manager – Scientific Directorate

Scientific Officer Thomas Mathiasen
Phone: +45 6190 5063, E-mail:



1. É necessário que o Pesquisador Responsável pela proposta seja cadastrado no sistema SAGe.

(i) Pesquisadores que não possuem cadastro no SAGe devem inicialmente realiza-lo acessando a página do SAGe no endereço, clicar em Sem cadastro? e preencher os dados solicitados. Não basta apenas cadastrar-se como usuário, é necessário completar os dados cadastrais;

(ii) Pesquisadores do Estado de São Paulo, já cadastrados, devem realizar o login no SAGe com identificação e senha usuais para acessar a página inicial do sistema.

2. Na página inicial, selecionar, dentre as opções do menu “Acesso Rápido – Atividades do Pesquisador”, o link Nova Proposta Inicial;

3. Na seção Chamadas Vigentes, selecionar e clicar no link desta chamada de propostas;

4. O sistema disponibilizará na página seguinte o menu “Incluir Proposta” para confirmação da chamada selecionada;

5. Clicar no botão Incluir para iniciar a elaboração de sua proposta;

6. A partir daí incluir os dados solicitados em todas as abas, inclusive a lista de documentos a serem anexados;

7. Atenção para a obrigatoriedade de preenchimento de todos itens marcados com “ * “. É necessário submeter o projeto ao final do preenchimento. Projeto salvo não significa projeto submetido;

8. No caso de dúvidas, na página inicial do SAGe pode ser usado o link Manuais e, na página Manuais, buscar esclarecimentos na lista Manuais de Apoio aos Pesquisadores;

9. IMPORTANTE: Recomenda-se fortemente verificar periodicamente as pendências da proposta utilizando a opção "Validar" do SAGE. Isso pode ser feito repetidas vezes, à medida que a proposta for construída, permitindo que sejam tomadas em tempo as providências necessárias à submissão. Ao selecionar a opção Validar, o sistema SAGe apresentará as pendências impeditivas para submissão da proposta considerando os itens que foram inseridos. Em caso de dúvidas sobre a utilização do SAGE, além dos Manuais, a FAPESP disponibiliza ainda atendimento pelo Setor de Informações (11 3838-4000).