Chamadas de Propostas
University of Manchester - Propostas selecionadas / Selected proposals
Advanced bio-manufacturing: scaffold model for M leprae and bone disorder study |
Processo / Grant number |
2023/00589-6 |
Acordo / Agreement |
FAPESP – University of Manchester |
Pesq. Resp. / PI |
Marco Andrey Cipriani Frade |
Pesq. Resp. Ext. / PI abroad |
Glen Cooper |
Instit.Exterior / Instit. abroad |
University of Manchester |
Instit. sede / Host Institution |
USP - Universidade de São Paulo (Ribeirão Preto) |
Assunto(s) / Subject |
Projetos SPRINT |
Gender, Identities and Science Diplomacy of Global North and South |
Processo / Grant number |
2023/00620-0 |
Acordo / Agreement |
FAPESP – University of Manchester |
Pesq. Resp. / PI |
Janina Onuki |
Pesq. Resp. Ext. / PI abroad |
Sam Hay |
Instit.Exterior / Instit. abroad |
Aya Homei |
Instit. sede / Host Institution |
USP - Universidade de São Paulo |
Assunto(s) / Subject |
Projetos SPRINT |
Unravelling the mechanism of snake venom induced haemorrhage by focusing on basement membrane disruption |
Processo / Grant number |
2023/00670-8 |
Acordo / Agreement |
FAPESP – University of Manchester |
Pesq. Resp. / PI |
Karen de Morais Zani |
Pesq. Resp. Ext. / PI abroad |
Rachel Lennon |
Instit.Exterior / Instit. abroad |
University of Manchester |
Instit. sede / Host Institution |
Instituto Butantan |
Assunto(s) / Subject |
Projetos SPRINT |
Landscape evolution and sediment routing systems during the early stages of the South Atlantic passive margin development in Angola and Northeastern Brazil |
Processo / Grant number |
2023/00672-0 |
Acordo / Agreement |
FAPESP – University of Manchester |
Pesq. Resp. / PI |
Renato Paes de Almeida |
Pesq. Resp. Ext. / PI abroad |
Stefan Schroeder |
Instit.Exterior / Instit. abroad |
University of Manchester |
Instit. sede / Host Institution |
USP - Universidade de São Paulo |
Assunto(s) / Subject |
Projetos SPRINT |
Sustainability Transitions in Global Value Chains in the Amazon: Improving Governance in the Cosmetics, Meat and Fish Sectors |
Processo / Grant number |
2023/00685-5 |
Acordo / Agreement |
FAPESP – University of Manchester |
Pesq. Resp. / PI |
José Antonio Puppim de Oliveira |
Pesq. Resp. Ext. / PI abroad |
Philip Paul Shapira |
Instit.Exterior / Instit. abroad |
University of Manchester |
Instit. sede / Host Institution |
FGVSP - Fundação Getúlio Vargas |
Assunto(s) / Subject |
Projetos SPRINT |
Consistent and Explainable Natural Language Inference |
Processo / Grant number |
2023/00694-4 |
Acordo / Agreement |
FAPESP – University of Manchester |
Pesq. Resp. / PI |
Daniel Carlos Guimarães Pedronette |
Pesq. Resp. Ext. / PI abroad |
Andre do Nascimento Freitas |
Instit.Exterior / Instit. abroad |
University of Manchester |
Instit. sede / Host Institution |
UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista (Rio Claro) |
Assunto(s) / Subject |
Projetos SPRINT |
Resource allocation for digital twin applications |
Processo / Grant number |
2023/00702-7 |
Acordo / Agreement |
FAPESP – University of Manchester |
Pesq. Resp. / PI |
Luiz Fernando Bittencourt |
Pesq. Resp. Ext. / PI abroad |
Rizos Sakellariou |
Instit.Exterior / Instit. abroad |
University of Manchester |
Instit. sede / Host Institution |
UNICAMP - Universidade Estadual de Campinas |
Assunto(s) / Subject |
Projetos SPRINT |
Coupling between metal-organic framework and ternary Ti oxide for removal of low concentration organic organoleptic compounds in water |
Processo / Grant number |
2023/00711-6 |
Acordo / Agreement |
FAPESP – University of Manchester |
Pesq. Resp. / PI |
Christiane de Arruda Rodrigues |
Pesq. Resp. Ext. / PI abroad |
Christopher Hardacre |
Instit.Exterior / Instit. abroad |
University of Manchester |
Instit. sede / Host Institution |
UNIFESP - Universidade Federal de São Paulo |
Assunto(s) / Subject |
Projetos SPRINT |
Integral valorization of soya and wheat by-products generated in Brazil and United Kingdom - a cascading value-adding approach |
Processo / Grant number |
2022/00645-0 |
Acordo / Agreement |
FAPESP – University of Manchester |
Pesq. Resp. / PI |
Cristiano Soleo de Funari |
Pesq. Resp. Ext. / PI abroad |
Jesus Esteban Serrano |
Instit.Exterior / Instit. abroad |
University of Manchester |
Instit. sede / Host Institution |
Assunto(s) / Subject |
Projetos SPRINT |
Computational analysis and synthetic biology approaches to understand the interaction and electron transfer between CDH and LPMO |
Processo / Grant number |
2022/00539-6 |
Acordo / Agreement |
FAPESP – University of Manchester |
Pesq. Resp. / PI |
Fernando Segato |
Pesq. Resp. Ext. / PI abroad |
Sam Hay |
Instit.Exterior / Instit. abroad |
University of Manchester |
Instit. sede / Host Institution |
Assunto(s) / Subject |
Projetos SPRINT |
Occupying the city: housing crisis and popular movements in São Paulo |
Processo / Grant number |
2022/00675-7 |
Acordo / Agreement |
FAPESP – University of Manchester |
Pesq. Resp. / PI |
Francisco de Assis Comarú |
Pesq. Resp. Ext. / PI abroad |
Nathaniel Muzzy Millington |
Instit.Exterior / Instit. abroad |
University of Manchester |
Instit. sede / Host Institution |
Assunto(s) / Subject |
Projetos SPRINT |
Molecular simulation of confined fluids for industrial applications |
Processo / Grant number |
2022/00503-1 |
Acordo / Agreement |
FAPESP – University of Manchester |
Pesq. Resp. / PI |
Luís Fernando Mercier Franco |
Pesq. Resp. Ext. / PI abroad |
Carlos Avendano Jimenez |
Instit.Exterior / Instit. abroad |
University of Manchester |
Instit. sede / Host Institution |
Assunto(s) / Subject |
Projetos SPRINT |
Dynamic Resource Management for Intelligent Transportation System Applications |
Processo / Grant number |
2022/00660-0 |
Acordo / Agreement |
FAPESP – University of Manchester |
Pesq. Resp. / PI |
Rodolfo Ipólito Meneguette |
Pesq. Resp. Ext. / PI abroad |
Sandra Sampaio |
Instit.Exterior / Instit. abroad |
University of Manchester |
Instit. sede / Host Institution |
Assunto(s) / Subject |
Projetos SPRINT |
International harmonisation of clinical and magnetic resonance imaging studies of cognitive impairment in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) |
Processo / Grant number |
2022/00597-6 |
Acordo / Agreement |
FAPESP – University of Manchester |
Pesq. Resp. / PI |
Simone Appenzeller |
Pesq. Resp. Ext. / PI abroad |
Ian Norman Bruce |
Instit.Exterior / Instit. abroad |
University of Manchester |
Instit. sede / Host Institution |
Assunto(s) / Subject |
Projetos SPRINT |
Identification of Aspergillus fumigatus Protein Kinases and Phosphatases Important for the Anti-Fungal Drug Response |
Processo / Grant number |
2019/16291-0 |
Acordo / Agreement |
FAPESP – University of Manchester |
Pesq. Resp. / PI |
Laure Nicolas Annick Ries |
Pesq. Resp. Ext. / PI abroad |
Michael John Bromley |
Instit.Exterior / Instit. abroad |
University of Manchester |
Instit. sede / Host Institution |
Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto/FMRP/USP |
Assunto(s) / Subject |
Projetos SPRINT |
The FGV Q-STep Center to improve quantitative skills in undergraduate Business students |
Processo / Grant number |
2019/16578-8 |
Acordo / Agreement |
FAPESP – University of Manchester |
Pesq. Resp. / PI |
Luiz Artur Ledur Brito |
Pesq. Resp. Ext. / PI abroad |
Jackie Carter |
Instit.Exterior / Instit. abroad |
University of Manchester |
Instit. sede / Host Institution |
Escola de Administração de Empresas de São Paulo/ EAESP/FGV |
Assunto(s) / Subject |
Projetos SPRINT |
Advanced 3D bioprinnting platform for articular cartilage regeneration |
Processo / Grant number |
2019/15271-6 |
Acordo / Agreement |
FAPESP – University of Manchester |
Pesq. Resp. / PI |
Raquel Yvonne Arantes Baccarin |
Pesq. Resp. Ext. / PI abroad |
Marco Andre Neves Domingos |
Instit.Exterior / Instit. abroad |
University of Manchester |
Instit. sede / Host Institution |
Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia/FMVZ/USP |
Assunto(s) / Subject |
Projetos SPRINT |
Study of adhesion and proliferation of stem cells in capacitive electrical stimuli over Scaffolds in 2D and 3D made by electrospinning and Solution Blow Spinning |
Processo / Grant number |
2019/15781-4 |
Acordo / Agreement |
FAPESP – University of Manchester |
Pesq. Resp. / PI |
Susana Inés Córdoba de Torresi |
Pesq. Resp. Ext. / PI abroad |
Sarah Cartmell |
Instit.Exterior / Instit. abroad |
University of Manchester |
Instit. sede / Host Institution |
Instituto de Química/IQ/USP |
Assunto(s) / Subject |
Projetos SPRINT |
Desgaste, tempo de vida e modo de falha de materiais restauradores processados por sistema CAD-CAM |
Processo / Grant number |
2018/13981-3 |
Acordo / Agreement |
University of Manchester |
Pesq. Resp. / PI |
Paulo Francisco Cesar |
Pesq. Resp. Ext. / PI abroad |
Nikolaos Silikas |
Instit.Exterior / Instit. abroad |
University of Manchester |
Instit. sede / Host Institution |
Fac. Odontologia/USP |
Assunto(s) / Subject |
Projetos SPRINT |
Entendendo a arquitetura da parede celular da planta para melhorar a hidrólise enzimática da lignocelulose |
Processo / Grant number |
2018/14030-2 |
Acordo / Agreement |
University of Manchester |
Pesq. Resp. / PI |
Richard John Ward |
Pesq. Resp. Ext. / PI abroad |
Jolanda Margaretha van Munster |
Instit.Exterior / Instit. abroad |
University of Manchester |
Instit. sede / Host Institution |
Fac. Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto/USP |
Assunto(s) / Subject |
Projetos SPRINT |
Metabolismo dos macrófagos como alvo terapêutico antitumoral |
Processo / Grant number |
2018/15235-7 |
Acordo / Agreement |
University of Manchester |
Pesq. Resp. / PI |
José Carlos Farias Alves Filho |
Pesq. Resp. Ext. / PI abroad |
Daiana Leila Drehmer |
Instit.Exterior / Instit. abroad |
University of Manchester |
Instit. sede / Host Institution |
Fac. Medicina Ribeirão Preto/USP |
Assunto(s) / Subject |
Projetos SPRINT |
Caminhantes aleatórios com memória fortemente correlacionada e aplicações na biologia |
Processo / Grant number |
2018/15308-4 |
Acordo / Agreement |
University of Manchester |
Pesq. Resp. / PI |
Marco Antonio Alves da Silva |
Pesq. Resp. Ext. / PI abroad |
Sergei Fedotov |
Instit.Exterior / Instit. abroad |
University of Manchester |
Instit. sede / Host Institution |
Fac. Ciências Farmacêuticas de Ribeirão Preto/USP |
Assunto(s) / Subject |
Projetos SPRINT |
Preventive and responsive strategies to deal with the impacts of exogenous shocks to urban mobility systems | |
Processo / Grant number | 2017/50309-9 |
Acordo / Agreement | University of Manchester |
Pesq. Resp. / PI | Antonio Nelson Rodrigues da Silva |
Pesq. Resp. Ext. / PI abroad | Nuno Pinto |
Instit.Exterior / Instit. abroad | University of Manchester |
Instit. sede / Host Institution | Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos / USP |
Assunto(s) / Subject | Projetos SPRINT |
The role of the cysteine and glycine rich protein 3 (crp3) in mechanosensing of cardiovascular smooth muscle cells | |
Processo / Grant number | 2017/50298-7 |
Acordo / Agreement | University of Manchester |
Pesq. Resp. / PI | Ayumi Aurea Miyakawa |
Pesq. Resp. Ext. / PI abroad | Christoph Ballestrem |
Instit.Exterior / Instit. abroad | University of Manchester |
Instit. sede / Host Institution | Instituto do Coração do Hospital das Clínicas de São Paulo / SSSP |
Assunto(s) / Subject | Projetos SPRINT |
Multiscale modelling of cleavage fracture and applications to structural integrity assessments | |
Processo / Grant number | 2017/50300-1 |
Acordo / Agreement | University of Manchester |
Pesq. Resp. / PI | Claudio Ruggieri |
Pesq. Resp. Ext. / PI abroad | Andrey Jivkov |
Instit.Exterior / Instit. abroad | University of Manchester |
Instit. sede / Host Institution | Escola Politécnica / USP |
Assunto(s) / Subject | Projetos SPRINT |
New cell factory platforms for manufacture of complex human therapeutics | |
Processo / Grant number | 2017/50297-0 |
Acordo / Agreement | University of Manchester |
Pesq. Resp. / PI | Kamilla Swiech Antonietto |
Pesq. Resp. Ext. / PI abroad | Alan Dickson |
Instit.Exterior / Instit. abroad | University of Manchester |
Instit. sede / Host Institution | Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas de Ribeirão Preto / USP |
Assunto(s) / Subject | Projetos SPRINT |
Development of an Artificial Kidney Medical Implant | |
Processo / Grant number | 2017/50330-8 |
Acordo / Agreement | University of Manchester |
Pesq. Resp. / PI | Niels Olsen Saraiva Camara |
Pesq. Resp. Ext. / PI abroad | Glen Cooper |
Instit.Exterior / Instit. abroad | University of Manchester |
Instit. sede / Host Institution | Inst. Ciências Biomédicas / USP |
Assunto(s) / Subject | Projetos SPRINT |
IV-VI materials: marrying 2d morphology and plasmonic properties for enabling next generation photocatalytic systems | |
Processo / Grant number | 2017/50301-8 |
Acordo / Agreement | University of Manchester |
Pesq. Resp. / PI | Pedro Henrique Cury Camargo |
Pesq. Resp. Ext. / PI abroad | David John Lewis |
Instit.Exterior / Instit. abroad | University of Manchester |
Instit. sede / Host Institution | Instituto de Química / USP |
Assunto(s) / Subject | Projetos SPRINT |
Sustainable citrus waste bio refining as a source of value added bioproducts | |
Processo / Grant number | 2017/50303-0 |
Acordo / Agreement | University of Manchester |
Pesq. Resp. / PI | Valeria de Carvalho Santos Ebinuma |
Pesq. Resp. Ext. / PI abroad | James Winterburn |
Instit.Exterior / Instit. abroad | University of Manchester |
Instit. sede / Host Institution | Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas - Araraquara / Unesp |
Assunto(s) / Subject | Projetos SPRINT |
Advanced EPR spectroscopy applied to mechanistic studies on metallodrugs-biomolecules interactions | |
Processo / Grant number | 2016/50342-3 |
Acordo / Agreement | University of Manchester |
Pesq. Resp. / PI | Ana Maria da Costa Ferreira |
Pesq. Resp. Ext. / PI abroad | Floriana Tuna |
Instit.Exterior / Instit. abroad | University of Manchester |
Instit. sede / Host Institution | Instituto de Química / USP |
Assunto(s) / Subject | Projetos SPRINT |
Developing advanced scintillation light read out systems for liquid argon neutrino detectors | |
Processo / Grant number | 2016/50330-5 |
Acordo / Agreement | University of Manchester |
Pesq. Resp. / PI | Ettore Segreto |
Pesq. Resp. Ext. / PI abroad | Andrzej Szelc |
Instit.Exterior / Instit. abroad | University of Manchester |
Instit. sede / Host Institution | Instituto de Física Gleb Wataghin / Unicamp |
Assunto(s) / Subject | Projetos SPRINT |
Quantum transport in Dirac metal and fluid based on HGTE quantum wells | |
Processo / Grant number | 2016/50319-1 |
Acordo / Agreement | University of Manchester |
Pesq. Resp. / PI | Gennady Gusev |
Pesq. Resp. Ext. / PI abroad | Vladmir Falko |
Instit.Exterior / Instit. abroad | University of Manchester |
Instit. sede / Host Institution | Instituto de Física / USP |
Assunto(s) / Subject | Projetos SPRINT |
Intercontinental science diplomacy: the case of EU-Brazil cooperation | |
Processo / Grant number | 2016/50357-0 |
Acordo / Agreement | University of Manchester |
Pesq. Resp. / PI | Janina Onuki |
Pesq. Resp. Ext. / PI abroad | Simone Turchetti |
Instit.Exterior / Instit. abroad | University of Manchester |
Instit. sede / Host Institution | Instituto de Relações Internacionais / USP |
Assunto(s) / Subject | Projetos SPRINT |
Characterization and modelling of aqueous two-phase systems (ATPS) composed of ionic liquids (ILS) and polymers: a boost towards developing sustainable biopharmaceutical separation | |
Processo / Grant number | 2015/50058-0 |
Acordo / Agreement | University of Manchester |
Pesq. Resp. / PI | Jorge Fernando Brandão Pereira |
Pesq. Resp. Ext. / PI abroad | Maria Gonzales-Miguel |
Instit.Exterior / Instit. abroad | University of Manchester |
Instit. sede / Host Institution | Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas de Araraquara / Unesp |
Assunto(s) / Subject | Projetos SPRINT |
Chamada / Call FAPESP-Manchester 2013
Aspergilose pulmonar e correlação entre as formas clínicas e a expressão diferencial de atributos de virulência em Aspergillus fumigatus | |
Processo / Grant number | 2014/50294-3 |
Acordo / Agreement | University of Manchester |
Pesq. Resp. / PI | Arnaldo Lopes Colombo |
Pesq. Resp. Ext. / PI abroad | David Denning |
Instit.Exterior / Instit. abroad | University of Manchester |
Instit. sede / Host Institution | Escola Paulista de Medicina / Unifesp |
Espectrometria de massa de aerossóis na Amazônia | |
Processo / Grant number | 2014/50297-2 |
Acordo / Agreement | University of Manchester |
Pesq. Resp. / PI | Paulo Eduardo Artaxo Netto |
Pesq. Resp. Ext. / PI abroad | James Donald Allan |
Instit.Exterior / Instit. abroad | University of Manchester |
Instit. sede / Host Institution | Instituto de Física / USP |
Imageamento elementar em tempo real da síntese e degradação de nanopartículas controladas | |
Processo / Grant number | 2014/50298-9 |
Acordo / Agreement | University of Manchester |
Pesq. Resp. / PI | Pedro Henrique Cury Camargo |
Pesq. Resp. Ext. / PI abroad | Sarah Jane Haig |
Instit.Exterior / Instit. abroad | University of Manchester |
Instit. sede / Host Institution | Instituto de Química / USP |
Caracterização estereoquímica de ciclotídeos de espécies do Cerrado utilizando atividade óptica Raman | |
Processo / Grant number | 2014/50304-9 |
Acordo / Agreement | University of Manchester |
Pesq. Resp. / PI | Vanderlan da Silva Bolzani |
Pesq. Resp. Ext. / PI abroad | Ewan William Blanch |
Instit.Exterior / Instit. abroad | University of Manchester |
Instit. sede / Host Institution | Instituto de Química de Araraquara / Unesp |