Chamadas de Propostas
University of Virginia - SPRINT - Propostas selecionadas / Selected proposals
Moralizing the Vote in Brazil | |
Processo / Grant number | 2016/50497-7 |
Acordo / Agreement | University of Virginia |
Pesq. Resp. / PI | Fernando de Magalhães Papaterra Limongi |
Pesq. Resp. Ext. / PI abroad | Daniel W. Gingerich |
Instit.Exterior / Instit. abroad | University of Virginia |
Instit. sede / Host Institution | Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas / USP |
Assunto(s) / Subject | Projetos SPRINT |
A Systems Approach to Identify and Validate Novel Therapeutic Targets to Improve Cardiac Repair and Regeneration Following Myocardial Infarction | |
Processo / Grant number | 2016/50439-7 |
Acordo / Agreement | University of Virginia |
Pesq. Resp. / PI | José Eduardo Krieger |
Pesq. Resp. Ext. / PI abroad | Jeffrey J. Saucerman |
Instit.Exterior / Instit. abroad | University of Virginia |
Instit. sede / Host Institution | Instituto do Coração do Hospital das Clínicas de São Paulo / SSSP |
Assunto(s) / Subject | Projetos SPRINT |
High-Throughput Generation of Antigen Binding Fragments (Fabs) Based on Automated Phage-Display Technology for Diagnosis and Treatment of Zika Virus Infection | |
Processo / Grant number | 2016/50496-0 |
Acordo / Agreement | University of Virginia |
Pesq. Resp. / PI | Luis Carlos de Souza Ferreira |
Pesq. Resp. Ext. / PI abroad | Daniel Engel |
Instit.Exterior / Instit. abroad | University of Virginia |
Instit. sede / Host Institution | Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas / USP |
Assunto(s) / Subject | Projetos SPRINT |
Nanophotonics for Quantum Computing and Precision Measurements | |
Processo / Grant number | 2016/50468-7 |
Acordo / Agreement | University of Virginia |
Pesq. Resp. / PI | Paulo Nussenzveig |
Pesq. Resp. Ext. / PI abroad | Olivier Pfister |
Instit.Exterior / Instit. abroad | University of Virginia |
Instit. sede / Host Institution | Instituto de Física / USP |
Assunto(s) / Subject | Projetos SPRINT |
Defining the Contributions and Regulation of Necroptotic Signaling in Alzheimer's Disease | |
Processo / Grant number | 2016/50459-8 |
Acordo / Agreement | University of Virginia |
Pesq. Resp. / PI | Ricardo Weinlich |
Pesq. Resp. Ext. / PI abroad | John Robert Lukens |
Instit.Exterior / Instit. abroad | University of Virginia |
Instit. sede / Host Institution | Instituto Israelita de Ensino e Pesquisa Albert Einstein / SBIBAE |
Assunto(s) / Subject | Projetos SPRINT |
Isoprene Emission, Ozone Pollution, and Vegetation Dynamics in São Paulo, Brazil | |
Processo / Grant number | 2016/50509-5 |
Acordo / Agreement | University of Virginia |
Pesq. Resp. / PI | Tomas Ferreira Domingues |
Pesq. Resp. Ext. / PI abroad | Manuel Theodore Lerdau |
Instit.Exterior / Instit. abroad | University of Virginia |
Instit. sede / Host Institution | Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto / USP |
Assunto(s) / Subject | Projetos SPRINT |
Molecular and Structural Characterization of ETT-2 (Escherichia Coli Type III Secretion System 2) of Entereoaggregative E. Coli | |
Processo / Grant number | 2016/50479-9 |
Acordo / Agreement | University of Virginia |
Pesq. Resp. / PI | Waldir Pereira Elias Júnior |
Pesq. Resp. Ext. / PI abroad | James Paul Nataro |
Instit.Exterior / Instit. abroad | University of Virginia |
Instit. sede / Host Institution | Instituto Butantan / SSSP |
Assunto(s) / Subject | Projetos SPRINT |
Página atualizada em 18/05/2017 - Publicada em 30/01/2017