
FAPESP and Innovation Fund Denmark will fund new research projects Versão em português

FAPESP and Innovation Fund Denmark will fund new research projects Researchers in the State of São Paulo and Denmark will work together within the food science area (foto: CSIRO/Wikimedia)

The São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) and the Innovation Fund Denmark (IFD) announce the result of a call for research proposals issued in November, 2016.

Three projects were selected and will be conduct by researchers in the State of São Paulo and in Denmark within the food science area.

FAPESP and the IFD funding may cover research and travel expenses (for example, payroll expenses, research training, equipment, travel costs, living allowances and insurance costs) according to each institution’s guidelines.

Selected proposals:

Enzymes and electrons at work - dual processing of carbohydrates and lignin producing prebiotic oligosaccharides and bioactive lignins 
Processo / Grant number 2017/01165-4
Acordo / Agreement FAPESP/Innovation Fund Denmark (IFD)
Pesq. Resp. / PI Carlos Alberto Labate
Pesq. Resp. Ext. / PI abroad Claus Felby
Instit.Exterior / Instit. abroad University of Copenhagen
Instit. sede / Host Institution Escola Superior Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz - Esalq – USP
Novel Aging - Technologies and solutions to manufacture novel dairy products for healthy aging
Processo / Grant number 2017/01189-0
Acordo / Agreement FAPESP/Innovation Fund Denmark (IFD)
Pesq. Resp. / PI Daniel Rodrigues Cardoso 
Pesq. Resp. Ext. / PI abroad Lilia Ahrne
Instit.Exterior / Instit. abroad University of Copenhagen
Instit. sede / Host Institution Instituto de Química de São Carlos - IQSC - USP 
CAMeLEOm: Cross-Species Analysis of Metabolic, Lifespan Effects and Omics of Dietary Restriction Mimetics
Processo / Grant number 2017/01184-9 
Acordo / Agreement FAPESP/Innovation Fund Denmark (IFD)
Pesq. Resp. / PI Marcelo Alves da Silva Mori 
Pesq. Resp. Ext. / PI abroad Jonas Thue Treebak
Instit.Exterior / Instit. abroad University of Copenhagen
Instit. sede / Host Institution Instituto de Biologia - IB - UNICAMP

The call for proposals is published at: