
Call for Proposal FAPESP-University of Surrey

Call at University of Surrey publish at (




Fapesp: Dra. Vera Viviane Schmidt

Surrey: Ms Louise Lawton

Important Information for Proposers:  proponents from SP must follow the guidelines of the Regular Research Award. Projects may last up to 24 months.

Proposal Deadline Date: June, 04th

Result announcement: from October, 2018

Note: This call for proposals was originally published with errors in the item 5 (Funding). The correct text is: "University of Surrey is prepared to fund the projects with a total of up to GBP £20,000 per project. FAPESP is also prepared to fund for the equivalent amount up to a total of R$ 100.000,00 per project".



FAPESP and the University of Surrey signed a Cooperation Agreement for Research on March 14, 2017, which aims to implement scientific and technological cooperation, through the funding of joint research projects. Under the referred Agreement, as an action to promote this collaboration, FAPESP and the University of Surrey are launching this Call for Proposals, under the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth and invites submissions of proposals by researchers affiliated to higher education and research institutes in the State of São Paulo in partnership with researchers affiliated to the University of Surrey.


This Call invites research proposals in all fields.


Submission to FAPESP will follow the general rules for Regular Research Awards (, with the exceptions described in this call.


a. Each proposal must have a PI affiliated to higher education and/or research institutions in São Paulo State and a PI from the University of Surrey.

b. Each proposal should be composed of a Research Project and the specific documents required by FAPESP and by Surrey.

4.1 Preparing a proposal – the research project

a. The Research Project must be written jointly by the Principal Investigator from SP and the Principal Investigator from the University of Surrey. The Research Project must be written in English.

b. To FAPESP, the proposal must be prepared as established in the FAPESP Regular Research Award page, available at

c. The script suggested to the research project is described below. Details can be find at

- Sections below should be in less than 20 pages, 1.5 space and font equivalent to Times New Roman:

- Cover containing the title of the grant proposal, the name of the Principal Investigator, Host Institution and a 20 lines abstract (two, one in Portuguese and one in English);

- Statement of scientific problem(s) to be tackled by the proposed project;

- Expected results;

- Scientific challenges and the means and methods to overcome them;

- Timetable;

- Dissemination and evaluation;

- Other support;

- References.

4.2 Preparing a proposal - additional documents required by Surrey:

a. The PI at the University of Surrey should submit the following via email to Ms Louise Lawton (Partnerships Officer) by the given deadline:

i. a copy of the research project in English

ii. a copy of the full budget and an additional worksheet describing how funds from the University of Surrey will be utilised

iii. a letter from the Head of Department/School confirming support for the proposal

Please note that the PI from the University of Surrey must sign the FAPESP submission electronically one week before the deadline.

4.3 Submitting a proposal

a. To FAPESP: the proposal must be submitted by the deadline to FAPESP by the Principal Investigator from the State of São Paulo and include all information and documents required on the SAGe System. The PIs in Surrey who do not yet have a personal register in the SAGE system should provide it in time to accept his/her participation in the proposal, before the proposal is submitted to FAPESP (sage/);

b. To Surrey: the full proposal including budget, worksheet and letter of support should be submitted electronically by the deadline to Ms Louise Lawton:;

c. Proposals submitted by any other means will not be accepted. Late submissions will be returned.

d. No proposal will be accepted after the closing date for submissions, nor will any addendum or explanation be accepted, except those explicitly and formally requested by FAPESP or the University of Surrey.


University of Surrey is prepared to fund the projects with a total of up to GBP £20,000 per project. FAPESP is also prepared to fund for the equivalent amount up to a total of R$ 100.000,00 per project. No more than one project will be funded within this call for proposals.


Call announced on FAPESP and Partner’s websites

March 23, 2018

Closing date for submission of proposals

June 04, 2018

Successful proposals notified

From October, 2018


A Letter of Agreement between the two Institutions involved in the project (1 from the State of São Paulo and 1 from University of Surrey), establishing how intellectual property rights, confidentiality, and publications will be treated jointly, in observance of the policies of each funding Part. The Letter of Agreement is not mandatory at the time of submission of the proposals, but no approved project will be contracted before a signed copy of the agreement is presented.


The questions related to this Call for Proposals must be directed to:

FAPESP: Dra. Vera Viviane Schmidt. E- mail:

University of Surrey: Ms Louise Lawton E-mail:



SAGe Platform (available only in Portuguese)

1. The Principle Investigator by FAPESP and by Surrey must be registered in the SAGe system:

(I) Researchers who do not have a SAGe registration should initially do so by accessing the SAGe page at, clicking on “Sem cadastro?” and fill in the requested data. It is not enough to just register as a user, it is necessary to complete the cadastral data;

(II) Researchers from the State of São Paulo, already registered, must log into SAGe with the usual identification and password to access the system homepage.

2. The proposal must be submitted by the Principal Investigator from SP. On the home page, select from the menu options "Acesso rápido – Atividades do Pesquisador", the link “Nova Proposta Inicial”.

3. In the Current Calls section, select and click the link for this Call for Proposals.

4. The system will display the menu "Incluir proposta" on the following page to confirm the selected Call.

5. Click the “Incluir” button to start preparing your proposal.

6. Include the requested data in all the tabs, including the list of documents to be attached.

7. Attention to the obligation to fill all items marked with "*". You must submit the project at the end of the form. Saved project does not mean submitted project.

8. Proposals will not be received on this call without the acceptance of the Surrey Responsible Researcher's in the Sage system. After being registered, the Researcher Responsible by Surrey must access in the menu: “Processos” à “Propostas em que participo” à Select the proposal, an them to confirm his or her participation at “Confirmar participação”.

9. If you have any doubts, you can use the Manuals link on the SAGe home page and, in the Manuals page, search for explanations in the “Manuais de Apoio aos Pesquisadores.

10. IMPORTANT: It is strongly recommended to periodically check the pending proposals using the "Validar" option. This can be repeatedly as the proposal is built, allowing the necessary arrangements for submission to be made in time. When selecting the option "Validar", the SAGe system will present the impediments pending to submit the proposal considering the items that were already inserted. In case of doubts about the use of SAGE system, in addition to the Manuals, FAPESP also provides assistance at the Information Sector (11 3838-4000).

Page updated on 04/13/2018 - Published on 03/22/2018