José Eduardo Corá Versão em português

José Eduardo Corá

Advisor to the General Coordination – Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences

Bachelor’s degree in Agronomy (1986) and the Master's Degree in Crop and Soil Science (1991) by the Agriculture School of Lavras (ESAL), now Federal University of Lavras (UFLA), Ph.D. in Crop and Soil Science by Michigan State University, USA (1997); Associate Professor at São Paulo State University – UNESP (2006) and Full Professor in Soil Science at Soil Science Department of the School of Agrarian and Veterinarian Sciences (FCAV) – Campus of Jaboticabal - UNESP (2016).

Post-doctoral internship at Earth and Environmental Science Department, Michigan State University (USA) (2015), as a FAPESP fellowship holder, when developed studies on using remote sensing technologies to determine spatial and temporal variability of soil attributes and crop productivity.

Professor of the Department of Soils of UNESP – Campus Jaboticabal, working in the area of agronomy, with emphasis on soil attributes management and plant nutrition. Scientific advisor to development agencies, scientific journals and public and private companies. Member of the Brazilian Society of Soil Science, the American Society of Soil Science and the International Union of Soil Science.

Professor and adviser at Graduate School in Agronomy – School of Agrarian and Veterinary Sciences, Jaboticabal Campus – UNESP.

Head of Department of Soils of the FCAV (1999-2001); Research, teaching and extension Farm head (FEPP) – Campus of Jaboticabal/UNESP (2003-2007); FCAV Graduate School in Agronomy Councils member (2010-2013); Director of Division 3 – Soil Use and Management and Coordinator of the Commission 3.3 – Soil and Water Management and Conservation, of the Brazilian Society of Soil Science (2011-2015); Vice-head of the Department of Soils of FCAV – Campus Jaboticabal / UNESP (2017-2019); Executive Director of the Research, Teaching and Extension Foundation (FUNEP) – Campus of Jaboticabal/UNESP (2011-2017; 2018-2020); Vice-president of the Vestibular Foundation Council of UNESP (VUNESP) (2014-2018).

Page updated on 09/17/2024 - Published on 03/23/2018