Maria José Soares Mendes Giannini Versão em português

Maria José Soares Mendes Giannini

Scientific Manager – CEPID/RIDC
Advisor to the General Coordination – Health Sciences 5 (Pharmacy)

Graduate at Pharmacy and Biochemistry from Universidade de São Paulo (1976), master's at Microbiology and Immunology from USP (1982) and PhD in Biological Sciences (Microbiology) from USP (1989), post-doctoral study developed at the Biotechnology Center of UFRGS, in the Dra. Aoi Masuda's laboratory, as well as, technical visits to the laboratories of the Institute of Molecular Medicine (iMM) at the University of Lisbon, Portugal, University of Texas, EUA, Carlos III Health Institute, Spain and National Autonomous University of Mexico-UNAM.

She has been a professor at Unesp since 1983, full professor of Mycology at Pharmaceutical Sciences School, UNESP (2007-present), a research fellowship (level 1A) from Brazilian National Research Council (CNPq) and coordinator of the graduate Program in Bioscience and Biotechnology Applied to Pharmacy (2017-20).

She was Vice-Dean of the Pharmaceutical Sciences School of UNESP (1994-97), Research Vice-Rector of UNESP in two terms (2009-17), Vice-chair of the National Forum of Graduate and Research (FOPROP) (2015-16) and a Member of the FAPESP Board of Trustee (2010-2015).

She was coordinator of the graduate Program in Bioscience and Biotechnology Applied to Pharmacy (Clinical Analysis) of the Pharmaceutical Sciences School in three terms (2000-02; 2002-04; 2007-09). Vice President of the Brazilian Mycological Society (2000-02) and Microbiology (2006-09).

Her research deals with clinical mycology, immunochemistry and cell biology, focuses in themes related to the fungus-host interaction, with emphasis on adhesins and biofilms of the main agents of mycoses, as well as bioprospection of substances with antifungal activity, mainly antibiofilm.

Page updated on 09/17/2024 - Published on 03/07/2019