Fabio Trindade Maranhão Costa Versão em português

Fabio Trindade Maranhão Costa

Advisor to the General Coordination – Biomedical Sciences 2

Dr. Costa is a biologist from the University of Brasília (1994) with a MS and PhD in Microbiology, Immunology and Parasitology from the Federal University of São Paulo (1998, 2001) and lecturer in Parasitology at University of Campinas (UNICAMP) (2011). He completed post-doctoral training at Institut Pasteur in France (2003).

He is an Associate Professor at the UNICAMP Institute of Biology (IB), where he engages in translational research on tropical diseases, with emphasis in the understanding of immunopathological aspects of Malaria and Zika, as well as the discovery of new drugs.

He was an advisor for International Relations at UNICAMP (2010-2012), coordinator for the graduate program in Genetics and Molecular Biology (CAPES 7) for the IB (2016-2018) and was a member of the CNPq Advisory Committee for Microbiology and Immunology (2017-2018).

He is currently the Coordinator of International Relations for IB and Academic Editor of the scientific journals PLoS One and Frontiers in Immunology. He is a CNPq research fellow level 1C.

Page updated on 09/17/2024 - Published on 03/07/2019