
FAPESP/BAYLAT – Workshop 2019: State of São Paulo, Brazil and Free State of Bavaria, Germany Versão em português


Closing date for proposals submissions:

October 10, 2019

Successful proposals notification:

December 20, 2019

Eligibility to apply:

Leading researchers with demonstrated relevance in their field of knowledge. Proponents from the State of São Paulo must also comply with item 2.


To FAPESP: Applicants in the State of São Paulo must submit to FAPESP through the SAGe system.
To BAYLAT: Applicants in the Free State of Bavaria must submit to BAYLAT through OASys system and also in hard copy.


FAPESP: Ana Paula Yokosawa –
BAYLAT: Dipl.-Pol. Luise Freitag –

1. Overview

The São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) and the Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts of the Free State of Bavaria (StMWK), Bavaria, Germany, represented by the Bavarian Academic Center for Latin America (BAYLAT), Bavaria, Germany, signed a Cooperation Agreement for Research on April 11, 2012, which has been renewed in 2016 and will be valid till 2022. The Cooperation Agreement is aiming to implement scientific and technological cooperation between researchers from Bavaria, Germany and from the State of São Paulo, Brazil, through the funding of joint research projects.

This element is designed to provide financial support to bring together a Free State of Bavaria and the São Paulo State cohort of early-stage researchers and PhD students who are about to defend their thesis to take part in a workshop focusing on building links for future collaboration and enhancing the researchers’ career opportunities.

Workshops will be coordinated by two leading researchers: one from a higher education or research institutions in the Free State of Bavaria and one from a higher education or research institution in the State of São Paulo.

Proposals will be accepted in any discipline/multidisciplinary area. FAPESP and BAYLAT will co-fund the workshops.

2. Who can apply?

Proposals must be submitted jointly by two researchers: one from the State of São Paulo and one from the Free State of Bavaria. Proponents must be senior researchers, which means that they must demonstrate the relevance of their work in their field of knowledge. Evidence of relevance to be considered: titles, publication, international collaborations, orientation and/or supervision.

Proponents from the State of São Paulo must be or have been Principal or Co-Principal Investigators of research projects funded by FAPESP within at least one of the following FAPESP funding lines: Thematic Projects, Young Investigators Award (JP), Research, Innovation and Dissemination Centers (CEPIDs/RIDCs), and Research Partnership for Technological Innovation (PITE).

3. Theme of the workshop

Applicants can present proposals in all knowledge areas.

4. Who will take part in the workshops?

Up to 40 researchers can take part in each workshop as described below:

a) Two workshop coordinators: one from the Free State of Bavaria and one from the State of São Paulo. The proponents are necessarily the workshops coordinators.

b) Four mentors: two from the Free State of Bavaria and two from the State of São Paulo (coordinators are not allowed to accumulate the role of the mentors). Mentors are senior researchers of recognized competence in their fields of activity who will share their experience and knowledge, and remain in contact with early-stage researchers and PhD students participating after the workshop, to share contacts and other relevant information.

c) Other participants: early-stage researchers with a PhD degree obtained less than 10 years prior to the workshops and/or PhD students who are about to defend their thesis. These participants must be from higher education or research institutions from the State of São Paulo and from the Free State of Bavaria (between 12 and 17 of each country), to be selected after the proposal is approved.

5. Location and timing of the workshops

One of the workshops will take place in the State of São Paulo and the other one in the Free State of Bavaria.

The first workshop must take place between 01 of January 2020 and 31 of December 2020. The second workshop must take place between 01 of January 2021 and the 31 of December 2021.

6. Language

Workshops will be held in English. According to the theme of the workshop it is also possible to hold the workshop in German or Portuguese under express authorization from BAYLAT and FAPESP.

7. Content of the workshop

Workshop coordinators will lead on the research content of the workshops. The content must reflect the goal of the program: to build links for future collaboration and enhancing the researchers’ career opportunities, considering:

a) Brief workshop guidelines;

b) Sessions should be as interactive as possible with participants encouraged to share knowledge, experience and ideas;

c) Workshop coordinators and mentors should have the opportunity to share their expertise;

d) Suggested sessions:

a. Formal keynote lectures by the workshop coordinators and mentors, which should not last longer than half a day and will ideally occur throughout the workshop;

b. Research sessions, where the early-stage researchers and PhD students are able to share their current research (could be in poster format or oral presentations);

c. Networking sessions, where researchers and students are able to interact and explore opportunities for collaboration;

d. Overview of the research base and funding opportunities: a brief introduction to the research base in the Free State of Bavaria/Germany and in the State of São Paulo/Brazil – how it is funded, size, strengths, international collaborative activity, links with industry;

e. Depending on the research field or theme of the workshop, coordinators may wish to include a session that invites industrial or other non-academic partners to talk about cross-sectoral collaboration;

f. Public engagement activity;

g. Cultural activity.

h. Visit to a relevant research or university facility.

8. Allowed Items

Workshop applicants are responsible for planning and organizing the workshop.

FAPESP can provide funds for:

a) International (economy class) airfares for up to 20 researchers (including Workshop coordinators and mentors) from the state of São Paulo to travel to the Free State of Bavaria and back from the Free State of Bavaria to the state of São Paulo;

b) Per diems;

c) Third Party Services, such as: courier expenses and publication of programs and abstracts (for events in the state of São Paulo only);

d) Health insurance for foreign participants, according to the current FAPESP table (

The proposals will be analyzed at FAPESP according to the norms and guidelines of the modality Auxílio à Pesquisa – Organização de Reunião Científica e/ou Tecnológica and will follow its norms and regulations. Items that can be funded by FAPESP are listed in Item 8: FAPESP grants, therefore, does not cover costs of coffee-breaks, taxis, pen drives, translators or rental of vans for transfer to the workshop. Some items that cannot be funded by FAPESP ( can be requested to BAYLAT, respecting the norms determined in the call and budget availability.

BAYLAT can provide funds for:

a) International (economy class) airfares for up to 20 researchers (including Workshop coordinators and mentors) from the Free State of Bavaria to travel to the State of São Paulo and back and from the State of São Paulo to travel to Free State of Bavaria and back;

b) Local travel costs for attendees (Free State of Bavaria and State of São Paulo);

c) Per diems (allowances) to cover meals, personal costs for the participants and accommodation for all external attendees for up to 5 nights in the city where the workshop will take place;

d) Organizational support (not more than 5.000,00 €).

The workshops will take place in the facilities of the host institution in the Free State of Bavaria and in the respective host institution in the State of São Paulo (counterpart).

BAYLAT and FAPESP will contribute with 50% of the costs each.

9. Recruitment of participants

After the selection process and grant confirmation, successful Workshop coordinators will be responsible for recruiting participants to the workshops. All participants must come from the Free State of Bavaria higher education institutions and from higher education or research institutions in the State of São Paulo. Participants linked to institutions outside of the Free State of Bavaria and the State of São Paulo are not eligible.

a) Early-stage researchers recruited to participate in the workshop must have a PhD obtained less than 10 years before the start of the workshop;

b) PhD students must have their thesis defense scheduled for no more than 12 months after the start of the first workshop. Participants who are PhD students must send a document of their institution or of their PhD supervisor that they are about to finalize their thesis;

c) No more than a third of the attendees may be recruited from the institutions of the coordinators, so that other universities and research centers are encouraged to participate;

d) There must be an open call for participants, and this must be disseminated through various defined channels (BAYLAT and FAPESP can support the dissemination);

e) Participants will need to demonstrate a sufficient standard of English to participate in the workshops;

f) While recognizing that some research fields are dominated by one particular gender, Workshop coordinators are encouraged to work towards as equal a gender balance as is possible, promote diversity, and ensure that no applicants are excluded from participation on the basis of ethnicity, gender, religious belief, sexual orientation, or disability.

10. Sustainability

The aim of the workshops is to stimulate longer term links between the Free State of Bavaria and the State of São Paulo as well as to contribute to the personal and professional development of the participants. Workshop coordinators should indicate how they envisage this occurring, including any plans for long term mentoring of early-stage researchers and/or PhD students.

11. Selection Process

There will be a three-step selection process by:

a) FAPESP will analyze the proposals based on the FAPESP’s peer reviewing system for Auxílio Organização scheme (;

b) BAYLAT will analyze the proposals and evaluate the merit and relevance of the project, the capacity of the proposed project to leverage further research funding, and the strategic research aims of the Partner Institution;

c) FAPESP and BAYLAT will be making a final decision together based on the recommendations from both panels (a and b above), and define how many proposals will be awarded the grant.

Successful applicants will be notified approximately eight weeks after the call deadline.

12. How to submit?

The joint proposal must be submitted to both Institutions (BAYLAT and FAPESP), within the deadlines established.

Proposals submitted after the deadline will not be considered.

To FAPESP: Applicants from the state of São Paulo must submit the joint proposal to FAPESP via SAGe.

The specific path for this opportunity is: Nova Proposta Inicial > “Chamadas Vigentes” > BAYLAT – Auxílio Organização - Regular / Chamada de Propostas (2019).

IMPORTANT: The coordinators from the Free State of Bavaria must be registered at the SAGe platform before been able to be chosen as the partner researcher in the proposal. This must be done in the English version of SAGe and choosing the option “Not Registered?” Only the data fields marked as “*” are obligatory. After being appointed at the proposal, the coordinators from the Free State of Bavaria must confirm participation.

Contact for further questions: Ana Paula Yokosawa, E-Mail:

To BAYLAT: Applicants from the Free State of Bavaria must submit the joint proposal to BAYLAT via an online application management system (OASys): up to October 10, 2019.

After submitting to OASys, the proposal must also be submitted to the following address: BAYLAT, Apfelstraße 6, 91054 Erlangen, Germany, including:

a) Description of the selection process (please note that participants who do not satisfy the requirements of item 12 of this Call for Proposals will not be accepted);

b) Timetable;

c) Curricula vitae;

d) Budget worksheets (including the resources requested to FAPESP);

e) Letter of Agreement:

i. A Letter of Agreement between the Higher Education and Research Institution of Bavaria and the Higher Education and Research Institution in the State of São Paulo to which the Workshop Coordinators from São Paulo is affiliated, including Intellectual Property rights, confidentiality, and publication, agreement, in observance of the policies of each funding Party. The Letter of Agreement is not mandatory for the submission of proposals, but no approved project will be contracted before the presentation of a copy of the signed Agreement.

For questions regarding content of the Call: Dipl.-Pol. Luise Freitag, E-Mail:

For questions regarding budget or financing of the Call: Galina Novkova, E-Mail: