
SPRINT – 1st Edition 2020: Guidelines – The Irish Research Council

Guidelines for proposals from Ireland-based researchers to the Irish Research Council

FAPESP and the Irish Research Council signed a Cooperation Agreement for Research on 1 February 2019. This agreement aims to facilitate cooperation between researchers from Ireland and from the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil, through the funding of joint research projects.

Under the referred Agreement, as an action to promote such collaboration, FAPESP and the Irish Research Council make public this Call for Proposals for the exchange of faculty under the terms and conditions of the SPRINT 1st Edition 2020 ( and hereinafter set forth.

The longer-term goal of the cooperation is to develop and to enhance lasting professional networks of researchers. Successful applicants are encouraged to develop their collaboration post-IRC-SPRINT by seeking larger-scale funding from international sources such as Horizon 2020 or Horizon Europe.

1. Eligibility from the Irish Research Council side

1.1. Eligibility to submit proposals within the scope of this Call:

1.1.1. Eligible Irish-based partner(s) include permanent academic staff, or fixed-term staff or research staff whose contract exceeds the duration of the project in eligible Higher Education Institutions and Research Performing Organisations in Ireland.

1.1.2. Eligibility of research partners in the State of São Paulo should observe the items 3.1 and 4.2 of FAPESP call (

1.1.3. The scheme is only open to researchers who are resident in Ireland or the State of Sao Paulo. There are no nationality or citizenship requirements.

1.2. Eligibility for exchange activities within the scope of this Call

1.2.1. Mobility of researchers

1.2.2. Research planning

1.2.3. International research workshops

1.2.4. Activities associated with collaborative data collection or fieldwork


• The proposals must aim to respect the principle of reciprocity with regard to the academic qualifications of those who will take part in the exchange activities.

• Eligibility of research partners in the State of São Paulo should observe the items 3.1 and 4.2 of FAPESP call (

2. Fields of knowledge

The Council and FAPESP will fund applications across all fields of knowledge. A balance between STEM and AHSS awards will be sought by both agencies.

3. Duration of the project for the exchange of researchers

A maximum of 10 joint-awards will be made under the IRC-SPRINT 2020 Call. Awards will have a minimum duration of 12 months and a maximum duration of 24 months.

4. Timeline

Call announced by FAPESP and the Irish Research Council

28 January 2020

Closing date for submission of proposals

15 June 2020

Successful proposals notified after

14 September 2020

5. Funding principles

An IRC-SPRINT award will involve researcher(s) based in Ireland travelling to the State of Sao Paulo and researcher(s) based in the State of Sao Paulo travelling to Ireland for the purpose of developing and enhancing research cooperation.

Key principles in selecting successful proposals will be:

• The excellence of the research idea proposed;

• The potential for lasting professional networks of researchers and larger-scale funding proposals;

• Disciplinary mix, with at least 40% of successful applicants to be drawn from Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences.

FAPESP will provide funding of up to the equivalent of EUR8,000 (eight thousand euro) per proposal per year and the Irish Research Council will provide funding of up to EUR8,000 (eight thousand euro) per proposal per year for the duration of the grant. This funding will cover research-related mobility expenses, under the provisions of Clause 5 of the Scientific Cooperation Agreement established by the Parties (en/12563) and the IRC-SPRINT Terms and Conditions available at the Irish Research Council website.

Overnight subsistence rates for researcher(s) based in Ireland travelling to any city in the State of São Paulo must be calculated in accordance with Irish civil service rates [1] .

6. Submission of proposals to the Irish Research Council

Applications from Ireland-based partner(s) should be submitted to the Irish Research Council; applications from São Paulo-based partner(s) should be submitted to FAPESP. São Paulo-based partner(s) should visit for information about the correct submission procedure for their application.

Applicants from the Irish Research Council must submit the following via the online application system:

a. a description of the project written for a general research audience. This description should be no longer than 1,000 words, excluding references, and cover the following headings, where relevant:

i. The research idea, its aims and objectives

ii. Proposed methodology

iii. Research plan including a schedule for task completion

iv. Reason for collaboration and complementary team requirements

v. Facilities and equipment available for the project where appropriate (both in Ireland and São Paulo)

vi. Key research outputs of the lead applicant both in Ireland and São Paulo (five maximum)

vii. Rationale for application, indicating why funds are not available from other funding streams (e.g. Research Centre/institutional resources)

b. Budgetary breakdown

c. a CV (one page maximum) for each of the team members (in both Ireland and São Paulo) referenced in the application.

Submissions to the Council must be sent exclusively through the Online Application System, according to the instructions of Annex I of the IRC-SPRINT Terms and Conditions and will not be accepted by any other means.

7. Result of the analysis

The results will be announced on the FAPESP ( and the Irish Research Council ( websites and by means of email communication with applicants.

8. Contract for selected projects by the Irish Research Council - included

Selected proposals will be subject to the conditions set forth in the Memorandum of Understanding signed with FAPESP.

Selected proposals will be subject to the conditions set forth in the Memorandum of Understanding signed between FAPESP and the Irish Research Council and to the conditions outlined in this Terms and Conditions and guidelines for SPRINT Call 1/2020.

9. Grant cancellation

The IRC and FAPESP reserve the right to suspend or terminate the award and/or require reimbursement by the Irish HEI/RPO, as the recipient of the award fund, of some or all payments as have already been made to the awardee, if in the opinion of the IRC or FAPESP there has been a material breach of the Terms and Conditions as outlined in this document.

10. Information about this Call at the Irish Research Council

All questions from Ireland-based researchers related to this Call for Proposals must be directed to the Research Office in the Irish Higher Education Institution.

[1] FAPESP will provide funding of up to the equivalent of €8,000 (eight thousand euro) per proposal per year for the duration of the grant to cover research-related mobility expenses, including funds for travel to Ireland (economy-class tickets only) and health insurance for the State of São Paulo researcher(s) only. Researchers based in the State of São Paulo can draw funds from their current FAPESP award (see item 5. Eligibility) to cover costs such as data collection, archival access, and expenses to run workshops and conferences.

Page updated on 04/03/2020 - Published on 01/28/2020