Alexander Turra Versão em português

Alexander Turra

Advisor to the General Coordination – ProASA Program

Turra is a professor at the Oceanographic Institute of the University of São Paulo (IO-USP) and coordinator of the UNESCO Chair on Ocean Sustainability, based at the Oceanographic Institute and the Institute of Advanced Studies at the USP.

Turra is a biologist with a master's and PhD in Ecology from the State University of Campinas (Unicamp) and a 1B research productivity fellow from CNPq. He was awarded the Kirby Laing Fellowship at the School of Ocean Sciences, Bangor University, United Kingdom, and the Merit Medal of Tamandaré from the Brazilian Navy.

His work exercises the interdisciplinary and integrated research, focusing on themes such as marine biodiversity, governance, integrated management, marine conservation and environmental impact, climate change and marine pollution (marine litter).

Turra seeks to promote the integration between science and society, considering both formal and non-formal education as well as the capacity building of teachers and the production of teaching support materials. Turra’s work also seeks to establish a dialogue with the private sector for technological development and innovation applied to the ocean.

Turra has been working in national (e.g. MMA, MCTI, SECIRM, SIMA/SP) and international (e.g. GESAMP, UNESCO, UNEP, UNEA, IAI) forums and organizations with multi and transdisciplinary approaches aimed at integrating science and decision-making.

In addition to coordinating and participating in different research projects and networks (e.g. Rede Clima, ReBentos), he organized important scientific events such as the 5th Brazilian Symposium on Oceanography (Santos, Brasil/2011), 2nd International Ocean Research Conference (Barcelona, Spain/2014), Third International Symposium on the Effects of Climate Change on the World's Oceans (Santos, Brazil/2015) and VII International Sandy Beach Symposium (Ilhabela, Brazil/2015).

In addition to being a member of the Research Group on Environment and Society at the Institute of Advanced Studies at the USP, Prof. Turra is also active in the Coalition Science and Environment and in the Network of Specialists in Nature Conservation.

He is associate editor of Ocean and Coastal Research (Brazilian Journal of Oceanography) and Ambiente e Sociedade and editor of the Brazilian Marine Biodiversity series (Springer Nature). Turra also works in scientific dissemination in vehicles such as Scientific American Brasil, Ciência Hoje, Ciência Hoje das Crianças and Jornal da USP.

Page updated on 09/17/2024 - Published on 06/10/2021