Marcelo Nalin Versão em português

Marcelo Nalin

Advisor to the General Coordination – Exact and Earth Sciences 4 (Chemistry)
Advisor to the General Coordination – Infrastructure Programs (Multi-User Equipment - EMU)

Received his B.Sc Degree in Chemistry from the Institute of Chemistry, São Paulo State University (UNESP) Araraquara (1995), M.Sc Degree from the Institute of Chemistry, UNESP Araraquara (1998), and PhD from in Chemistry from the Institute of Chemistry, UNESP Araraquara and University of Rennes 1 – France (2002).

Afterwards, he completed his postdoctoral training at University of Paris XI, France (2003), Institute of Physics Gleb Wataghin from University of Campinas (UNICAMP) (2007), Young researcher fellow at Department of Physics from Sciences Faculty of UNESP Bauru (2009) and Professor at Department of Chemistry from Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar) (2013).

He is an associate professor (MS-5.3) in Department of Analytical, Physical Chemistry and Inorganic of Chemistry Institute of UNESP in Araraquara, São Paulo State, Brazil.

His research fields are the synthesis of new glasses and glass ceramics for applications in photonics, including the development of new synthesis routes and characterization of luminescent and magneto-optical materials and nanoparticles as well.

He is member of the Technical Committee of the International Commission on Glasses (TC-20-ICG). Reviewer of more than 20 international journals and international research agencies ANR (France) and NSF (USA). He is a consultant of the Brazilian agencies: MCTI and CNPq.

Page updated on 09/17/2024 - Published on 09/05/2022