Emmanuel Dias-Neto Versão em português

Emmanuel Dias-Neto

Advisor to the General Coordination – Health Sciences 1 (Medicine)

He graduated in Biological Sciences (1990), with a BA in Parasitology, from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), followed by a Master's in Cellular and Molecular Biology from Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz) (1993), and a PhD in Biochemistry and Immunology from UFMG (1997), with internships in Japan (Tsukuba) and England (London and York).

Between 1996 and 1997, he was a Full Technologist at Fiocruz, leaving for a postdoctoral period at the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research (ILPC-São Paulo), between 1997 and 1999. During this time he actively participated in the coordination of the Xylella fastidiosa genome project, and the Human Cancer Genome Project (Ludwig/Fapesp) – the main theme of his postdoctoral project.

Right after his post-doctorate, he was hired as a senior researcher at the ILPC, where he remained until 2002, when he began research in the area of genomics in neuropsychiatric diseases at the Institute of Psychiatry at HC-FMUSP-SP. Between 2006 and 2010 he served as a Visiting Professor at the MD Anderson Cancer Center (Houston, TX) working in the fusion of phage display and NGS and in the area of drug discovery. He returned to Brazil later, at the invitation of Prof. Ricardo Brentani, to create the Laboratory of Medical Genomics in Research Center AC Camargo, which he has coordinated since 2010.

His area of research is genomics research in oncology, including metagenomics, analysis of mutational profiles and gene expression profiles in diverse tumors, with a greater emphasis on gastric cancer. He has numerous collaborations with national and international groups. He is the Latin America director of the MetaSub consortium (focused on environmental microbiota and development of analytical protocols - www.metasub.org) and coordinates the VOGAS consortium in Brazil (seeking volatile compounds for cancer diagnosis).

He acted as advisor to CAPES in the area of Medicine 1, in the evaluation of the 2017-2020 quadrennium. He serves as a reviewer for several committees in the UK, including the Wellcome Trust, MRC, BBSRC, EPSRC and is a College Member of the Global Challenges Research Fund, UKRI, as well as several funding bodies in Argentina, Uruguay, Belgium, France, Switzerland and the United States. He is a member of the editorial board of 14 journals, a referee of >80 journals and a 1C researcher at the Brazilian National Research Council (CNPq).

Page updated on 09/17/2024 - Published on 09/06/2022