
FAPESP launches multilateral call on tropical forests Versão em português

Led by FAPESP and IAI, the Belmont Forum initiative is endorsed by the G-20 and seeks innovative solutions to the challenges faced in tropical forest regions and associated natural systems

FAPESP and the Inter-American Institute for Research on Global Change (IAI) announce the launch of the call for proposals "Tropical Forests: global implications and urgent actions", within the scope of the Belmont Forum. The call was launched on June 14th at the Sustainability, Research and Innovation Conference, organized by Belmont Forum and Future Earth and held in Helsinki, Finland.

Through the call, collaborative research projects lasting up to three years will be funded to coordinate actions and projects with a transdisciplinary approach to develop innovative solutions to the challenges faced in tropical forest regions and associated natural systems. Recognizing differences in governance, social and cultural diversity, and territorial configuration, the call encompasses tropical forests around the world.

This Call is endorsed by the G-20 and supported by 20 international development agencies in 22 countries (Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, USA, Ecuador, France, Guatemala, Jamaica, Japan, Indonesia, Mexico, Norway, Switzerland, Panama, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay). In Brazil, the participation of state development agencies was articulated within the scope of the Amazon+10 Initiative. In addition to FAPESP, FAPs from Alagoas, Paraná, Rondônia, Santa Catarina and Ceará are already participating in the call. The FAPs of Amapá, Espírito Santo, Amazonas, Rio de Janeiro, Mato Grosso do Sul and Pará are also in the process of joining. The complete list of participants can be found at:

As is usual within the scope of the Belmont Forum, transdisciplinary research will be supported, that is, research involving different fields of science and different actors, such as local communities, quilombolas, indigenous people, public policy makers, among others. Therefore, research proposals and consortia must include perspectives from the social and human sciences, as well as the natural and physical sciences. They must also effectively involve social actors, using participatory approaches, co-creation, co-development and co-implementation.

Proposals must address at least two of the following three themes, seeking transversal connections between them: theme 1 - Reduce deforestation, promote sustainable development and locally led economic development; theme 2 - Ecosystem Function, Connectivity and Climate Change Science; theme 3 - Environmental Justice and Governance.

The use of existing networks and syntheses is encouraged, as well as the creation of new collaborative activities. The use of virtual platforms and other digital exchange approaches is recommended.

The themes of the call were constructed through a long process of scoping meetings, in which researchers and social actors from all regions of the world discussed the themes and format that the call for proposals should support, and which lasted around a year and a half.

Each proposal must include researchers from at least three countries from the list published in this news and on the call website. Proponents in the state of São Paulo must be well-established researchers, with a proven track record of participation in interdisciplinary international projects, involving the scientific areas of the proposal. Proposals must meet the general conditions of the Regular Research Assistance modality. Projects lasting up to 36 months will be supported.

Interested researchers in the state of São Paulo must consult FAPESP regarding their eligibility by September 30, 2024. From September onwards, a virtual course on transdisciplinarity will be made available to researchers interested in the call, offered by IAI and FAPESC (Santa Catarina).

FAPESP guidelines for interested researchers are published at:

Page updated on 06/14/2024 - Published on 06/14/2024