
FAPESP announces call for proposals with BMBF Versão em português

Collaborative projects in Bioeconomy will be supported, bringing together researchers from the state of São Paulo and Germany.

FAPESP announces the launch of a call for proposals with the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) within the scope of the scientific cooperation agreement maintained by the institutions.

The call is open to researchers from the state of São Paulo for collaborations in Bioeconomy with scientists from Germany.

Interested parties can submit research proposals on the following topics:

  • Industrial use of sustainably produced biomass for products with an added-value (also with support of e.g. biotechnological approaches, metabolic engineering, IoT, synthetic biology and systems biology).
  • Sustainable agriculture for tomorrow’s nutrition: Increasing productivity (also with support of e.g. precision, smart and digital agriculture) with consideration for the careful use of the environment and resources.
  • Innovations to support sustainable and resilient food systems (e.g. innovations that enable resource efficiency and valorization of side streams, circular systems, waste reduction, resilience against shocks (like pandemics, climate shocks, political shocks etc.)
  • Enhancement of predictive breeding technologies and development of new genotypes leading to new phenotypes and crop varieties for improvement of plant health, protection, production and resilience (with support of e.g. AI).

At FAPESP, proposals must follow the norm from the Regular Research Grant modality, including budgetary conditions. The duration of projects can be up to 36 months.

In Germany, the call is open to any German proponent who meets the criteria listed in the BMBF's Bekanntmachung Bioökonomie International 2025.

The deadline for submission is November 25, 2024.

The call for proposals is published at:

Page updated on 09/12/2024 - Published on 09/12/2024