
FAPESP launches new call for the Generation Project Versão em português

Audacious ideas will be supported that favor the development of a successful research career and advancement in research institutions.

FAPESP announces the launch of the second call for proposals Research Grant – Projeto Geração, which is intended to support research projects based on bold ideas that can lead to the development of successful careers in research institutions in the state of São Paulo.

With the Research Grant – Generation Project, FAPESP offers differentiated medium-term funding conditions to enable researchers to start a solid scientific career. Since the grant is intended for researchers without employment relationship, a Generation Project Fellowship is also offered for the maintenance of the principal investigator, who must be exclusively dedicated to the project's development.

Proposals will be analyzed in three phases: a) Phase 1 - Pre-proposal for eligibility check; b) Phase 2 - Full proposal; c) Phase 3 - Project presentation and interview.

The Research Grant – Generation Project can be supported up to 60 months, with the possibility of extension for up to 12 additional months, under exceptional conditions and with justification accepted by FAPESP.

Each proposal may request a maximum amount of up to R$ 1,500,000.00 (one million five hundred thousand reais), including expenditure items such as Permanent Material, Consumables, Third Party Services, possible scholarships or fellowships (except for the Generation Fellowship), Fringe Benefits, and Research Overhead.

Up to 40 proposals will be selected in this call. In the previous call, launched in 2022, 32 proposals were approved.

The requested amount must be compatible with the scope and objectives of the presented research project and with the institutional support capacity guaranteed by the Host Institution. FAPESP reserves the right to approve amounts lower than those requested, based on the results of the proposal review and selection process.

The deadline for submitting pre-proposals ends on October 31, 2024.

The call is published at:

Page updated on 09/30/2024 - Published on 09/30/2024