
Call for proposals with German Academic Exchange Service has selected proposals Versão em português

Four collaborations will receive support from FAPESP and DAAD for research exchange, international workshops and data collection activities.

FAPESP announces the result of the 2024 call for proposals with the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) for the Germany-São Paulo Research Program (Propasp). Four proposals were selected.

Since the signing of the cooperation agreement ( between FAPESP and DAAD, this is the second time that the institutions have launched a bilateral call for the promotion of exchange activities in any area of scientific knowledge.
The contemplated proposals will receive resources to be used in activities such as researcher exchanges, research planning visits, international workshops and initial data collection activities, always aiming at the continuity of the research and the consolidation of collaboration.

Each proposal will be supported for up to two initial years, with the possibility of extending the funding for up to two additional years after the submission of a complementary proposal through a new call to be launched in due course by FAPESP and DAAD – resulting in a potential funding situation for a maximum total of four years.

Selected proposals:

Stress-Induced Dysbiosis, Vagus Nerve Modulation, and Inflammation in Leaky Gut
FAPESP Grant: 2024/09233-2
PI: Carolina Demarchi Munhoz
Host Institution: Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas - USP
PI abroad: Ivan Eid Tavares de Araújo
Institution abroad: Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics - University of Tübingen

Ceramics with truly Integrated CNT for Micro-Strain and Temperature Sensing
FAPESP Grant: 2024/09076-4
PI: Jose Mauricio Rosolen
Host Institution: Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto - USP
PI abroad: Daisy Nestler
Institution abroad: Technische Universität Chemnitz

Exploring the Role and Therapeutic Potential of Gasdermin-D in Sepsis and COVID-19
FAPESP Grant: 2024/09228-9
PI: Fernando de Queiroz Cunha
Host Institution: Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto - USP
PI abroad: Bernardo Simões Franklin
Institution abroad: Institute of Innate Immunity

A spectral distribution approximation algorithm for network time series
FAPESP Grant: 2024/09195-3
PI: André Fujita
Host Institution: Instituto de Matemática e Estatística - USP
PI abroad: Peter Florian Stadler
Institution abroad: Universität Leipzig