
FAPESP and Danish Council for Strategic Research announce results of call for proposals Versão em português

FAPESP and Danish Council for Strategic Research announce results of call for proposals (Wikimedia)

FAPESP and the Danish Council for Strategic Research (DCSR) announce the result of the call for proposals issued on June 22nd, 2011, under a cooperative agreement between the institutions.

Two proposals for scientific cooperation between scientists in São Paulo, Brazil, and Denmark within the scope of the scientific cooperation agreement between FAPESP and DCSR were selected. The call for proposals was open to proposals in the field of food science.

Selected proposals:

Pesquisadores Título do projeto
Beneficiário: Daniel Rodrigues Cardoso / Inst. Química Sao Carlos/USP

Partner: Leif Horsfelt Skibsted
University of Copenhagen
Bread and meat for the future - beam (FAPESP-DCSR)

FAPESP #: 2011/51555-7
Principal Investigator: Italo Delalibera Júnior
Esc. Superior Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz/USP

Partner: Jorgen Eilenberg
University of Copenhagen
Improved biological control for IPM in fruits and berries (FAPESP-DCSR)

FAPESP #: 2011/51556-3

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