
FAPESP, UoN and UoB announce result of call for proposals Versão em português

FAPESP, UoN and UoB announce result of call for proposals Seven proposals were selected in the call with University of Nottingham and University of Birmingham (UoN)

The São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP), University of Nottingham (UoN) and University of Birmingham (UoB), in the United Kingdom, announce the result of the call for proposals for the exchange of researchers published by the institutions in 2012.

Seven proposals were selected. The call was open for proposals in the sciences, social sciences and humanities. FAPESP, UoN and UoB will support research collaborations and the exchange of researchers (with doctoral degree or equivalent, and post-doctoral fellows) from the State of São Paulo and from the United Kingdom within the scope of the Scientific Cooperation Agreements among the institutions.


Selected proposals: 

Researchers Project title

Alberto Tannus
Inst. Física São Carlos / USP

Peter Gordon Morris / Andrew Bagshaw
UoN / UoB

Magnetic resonance imaging and in vivo spectroscopy methods for neuroimaging and multimodal neurosciences studies

FAPESP #: 2012/50894-5

André Paulo Tschiptschin 
Escola Politécnica / USP

Hanshan Dong

Improvement of surface properties of stainless steel used in the oil and gas industries through plasma assisted thermochemical treatment

FAPESP #: 2012/50890-0

Francisco Silveira Guimaraes
Fac. Medicina Ribeirão Preto / USP

Carl William Stevenson / Jonathan Loon Choon Lee
UoN / UoB 

Cannabidiol regulation of fear memory processing and associated brain function

FAPESP #: 2012/50896-8

Janina Onuki
Fac. Filosofia Letras e Ciências Humanas / USP

Sara Motta / Marco Antonio Vieira
UoN / UoB

Is Brazil an emerging global power? Evaluating Brazil’s rise and its implications for world order

FAPESP #: 2012/50891-6

José Fernando Garcia /
Fac. Medicina Veterinária Araçatuba / Unesp

Oliver Hanotte

Genome footprints of selection to environmental stresses and reproductive fitness in crossbreed taurine X zebu cattle populations

FAPESP #: 2012/50892-2

Juliana Gardenalli de Freitas 
Inst. Ciências Ambientais Químicas e Farmacêuticas / Unifesp

Colin Reginald Thorne / Michael Rivett
UoN / UoB 

Urban water quality management: surface water, groundwater and ecosystem interactions

FAPESP #: 2012/50888-5

Philippe Wilhelm Courteille
Inst. Física São Carlos / USP

Peter Kruger / Jon Golswin
UoN / UoB

Development of quantum sensors for precision positioning and underground mapping

FAPESP #: 2012/50938-2


Further information about the call is available at:


Page updated on 12/18/2012 - Published on 12/18/2012