FAPESP and UOIT announce result of call for proposals Versão em português
The São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) and the University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT), Canada, announce the result of the call for proposals for the exchange of researchers published by the institutions in 2012. Two proposals were selected.
FAPESP and UOIT will each provide funding of up to C$5,000.00 per project, per year, for the period established in the award, necessarily and exclusively to cover mobility expenses (travel costs, living allowances, and insurance costs).
Applicants were invited to submit proposals in the following areas: Energy Systems and Nuclear Science; Automotive Engineering; Information and Communications Technologies; Health Informatics; Health Sciences; Environmental Sciences and Engineering (Water, Clean Energy); Justice Studies; Corruption, poverty and development.
Selected proposals:
Researchers | Project title |
Silvio Silverio da Silva |
Biodelingfication of sugarcane bagase for the enzymatic hydrolysis and fermentation in one pot to save water and clean energy production FAPESP #: 2012/51214-8 |
Thiago de Castro Martins Ahmad Barari |
Minimum deviation zone of parametric sculpture surfaces in automotive body manufacturing FAPESP #: 2012/51219-0 |
Further information about the call: