
FAPESP/Universitat de Girona: Call for Proposals 2014

Public Call for Proposals for the exchange of researchers, under the Scientific Cooperation Agreement (en/8326) between São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP), Brazil and Universitat de Girona (UdG), Spain.

1. Objective

FAPESP and The University of Girona, Spain, make public this Call for Proposals and invite interested researchers affiliated with Higher Education and Research Institutions in the State of São Paulo, Brazil, and with UdG in Spain respectively, to submit research proposals for the exchange of researchers between the State of São Paulo and UdG in Spain, under the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth.

2. Eligibility

2.1 Eligibility to submit proposals within the scope of this Call:

2.1.1 By FAPESP :

a) Principal Investigators of ongoing research projects funded by FAPESP within the following funding lines: Regular Research Awards, Thematic Projects, Young Investigators, Research, Innovation and Dissemination Centers (CEPIDs/RIDCs), Public Education Research Program, Research in Public Policies, and Research Partnership for Technological Innovation (PITE). Co-Principal Investigators of ongoing Thematic Projects, CEPIDs/RIDCs and PITEs are also eligible to apply.

b) FAPESP will only accept one application per related ongoing research project. Likewise, each researcher can present only one proposal to this Call.

c) The ongoing research project linked to this proposal must have a minimum of six months left at the scheduled beginning of the mobility project. FAPESP may accept proposals submitted to this call linked to research proposals that are still undergoing merit review. However, if the research proposal is still under analysis or has not been approved by the time the proposals in this Call are selected, the related mobility proposal will be cancelled.

2.1.2 By UdG

a) UdG investigators that are considered “Active researchers” by UdG, and pertaining to a Research Group from UdG.

b) UdG will only accept one application per each Research Group. Likewise, each Principal Investigator can present only one proposal to this Call.

2.2 . Eligibility for the exchange activities within the scope of this Call:

2.2.1 By FAPESP: Principal and Co-Principal Investigators of the ongoing research projects funded by FAPES P as well Associated Researchers from Higher Education and Research Institutions in the State of São Paulo directly involved in the ongoing research project.

2.2.2 By UdG: any “Active researcher” or “Learning active researcher” who are members of the Research Group responsible for the proposal. Principal and Co-Principal Investigators involved in the project.

2.2.3 The proposals must aim to respect the principle of reciprocity with regard to academic qualifications of those who will take part in the exchange activities.

3 Fields of knowledge

This Call for Proposals invites Research Proposals in the following themes: Tourism and Water.

4 Timeline

Call announced on FAPESP and UdG websites


Closing date for submission of proposals


Successful proposals notified after

30/05/ 2014

5 Duration of the project for the exchange of researchers

The maximum duration of each project is 24 months, non-extendable.

6. Funding principles

6.1. FAPESP will provide funding of up to €12,000 (twelve thousand euros) per proposal per year and UdG will provide funding of up to €12,000 (twelve thousand euros) per proposal per year, for the duration of the grant to cover research-related mobility expenses, under the provisions of Clause 5 of the Scientific Cooperation Agreement established by the Parties ( and en/8326 ).

6.2. Depending on budget availability of both parties, a maximum of three highest ranked proposals will be awarded. UdG will allocate a maximum of 35.000€ to this Call. This funding comes from the “international bridges” action within the Institutional Empowerment project granted by the Spanish Ministry of Education

6.3. FAPESP will provide the selected proposals with funds for travel (air tickets), health insurance and living allowances for researchers and fellows from the State of São Paulo who will visit visit Girona, Spain, according to item 2.2.1.

6.4. UdG will provide the selected proposals with funds for workshop realization, travel (air tickets), health insurance and living allowances for researchers from UdG, who will visit State of São Paulo, Brazil, according to item 2.2.2.

Proposal Characteristics

The proposal, in English, consist of an identical research project to be presented for both Parties and the required documentation for each Party (FAPESP and UdG), under the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth. The exchange activities to be carried out by the researchers from São Paulo must be thematically related to the ongoing research project funded by FAPESP. 

7.1 A research project with a maximum of five (5) pages of scientific content, with one copy sent to UdG and another copy send to FAPESP, including the following items: 

7.1.1 A description of the foreseen exchange activities, including:

a) A substantiate description of the activities, emphasizing their relevance;

b) A timeline for each specific exchange mission, considering the limit of missions and resources established in the Call;

c) Performance indicators for the planned activities;

d) A description of each candidate’s contribution to the mission, explaining their expertise to carry out the foreseen activities;

e) Foreseen actions adding to impact of exchange for UdG and for the Host institution in the State of São Paulo, e.g. by means of seminars, short courses and visits to other institutions that carry out research activities in cognate areas;

7.1.2 A one page summary of the FAPESP funded research to which the mobility proposal relates, including:

a) Current and expected results;

b) A description of the project activities that will benefit from the exchange;

c) A description of the expected academic gains for the research project resulting from the proposed exchange activities;

d) A description of infrastructure and financial resources available for the research project, excluding the mobility expenses requested in the proposal.

7.1.3 A one page summary including an explanation about:

a) The relation and connection of this mobility proposal with the on-going projects that the Research Group is carrying out and, in general, with the research lines of the group.

b) The relation of this mobility proposal with the activities of the Euro Mediterranean Campus on Tourism and Water, e-MTA, and the impact of the mobility action on this campus.

7.2  In addition to the research project above referred, the proposal must include the following items:

a) Research Proposal Form;

b) Research Registration Form to be filled in by the PI and by all candidates for the exchange activities;

c) CV Summaries of the Principal Investigators on both sides and of all candidates for the exchange activities (guidelines at;

d) The set of CV Summaries of the candidates for exchange for FAPESP (guidelines at;

e) Budget forms;

f) Worksheet with the candidates to exchange missions.

g) A Letter of Agreement between the UdG and the Higher Education and Research Institution in the State of São Paulo to which the PI from São Paulo is affiliated, including Intellectual Property rights, confidentiality, and publication, agreement, in observance of the policies of each funding Party. The Letter of Agreement is not mandatory for the submission of proposals, but no approved project will be contracted before the presentation of a copy of the signed Agreement

h) For proposals related to ongoing FAPESP PITE projects, the PI must present a Statement of Consent by the partnering company agreeing with the application to this CFP.

8. Submission of proposals

8.1 The proposal as specified in the previous section must be submitted before the deadline stated in section four above, both to FAPESP by the Principal Investigator from the State of São Paulo and to UdG by the Principal Investigator from UdG.

8.2 No proposal will be accepted after the closing date for submission, nor will any addendum or explanation be accepted, unless those explicitly and formally requested by FAPESP or UdG.

8.3 Submissions to FAPESP can only be accepted in paper, via mail, to the following address: Rua Pio XI, 1500, Alto da Lapa, CEP 05468-901 – São Paulo/SP, with “Chamada FAPESP/ Universitat de Girona 2014” written on the envelope. Only proposals with a stamped postmark date within the deadline of this Call will be processed.

8.4 . Principal Investigators at UdG must submit all proposals to the Office for research and technology transfer (OITT) through a valid register.

8.5 . Proposals submitted by any other means will not be accepted. Late submissions will be returned.

9. Analysis and selection

9.1 Each Party will select the proposals according to its own procedures. Only the proposals selected by both Parties will be funded.

9.2 The proposals will be pre-qualified and, subsequently, analyzed by way of a competitive process which will evaluate the merit and relevance of the project, the relation of the proposed project to the ongoing project funded by FAPESP, the capacity of the proposed project to leverage further research funding, and the strategic research aims of UdG.

9.3 Proposals that do not comply with the terms of this Call will not qualify for analysis.

10. Result of the analysis

Final results will be announced on FAPESP ( and the UdG ( web portals and by means of a communication for the interested PIs.

11. Contract for selected projects

Selected proposals will be the object of a grant contract (FAPESP) to be signed by the PI and a representative of the Higher Education and Research Institution to which he/she is affiliated.

In the case of the UdG, the habitual management procedures to make the funding available to the selected groups and for the groups to justify their activities and expenses will be applied.

12. Grant cancellation

FAPESP or UdG may cancel funding if, during grant timeframe, a fact is of sufficient gravity to justify cancellation, at the Scientific Directors’ discretion, without prejudice of any other appropriate actions.

13. Appeals and Information about this Call

13.1 The proponent who does not appeal against the terms of this Call for Proposals until the second weekday before the closing date set for proposal submission will forfeit the right to do it. The appeal filed by the proponent who, having accepted the Call without objection, points out fortuitous failures or imperfections after the analysis shall not be effective as an appeal.

13.2 All questions related to this Call for Proposals must be directed to:

FAPESP: Dra. Regina Costa de Oliveira

UdG: Núria Romans
Oficina d’Investigació i Transferència Tecnològica



Page updated on 02/27/2014 - Published on 02/21/2014