
FAPESP and the Natural Environment Research Council collaborate in research on gas as a sustainable source of energy

The São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) and the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) will promote on February 25, 2015, the Scoping Workshop for Brazil-UK Sustainable Gas Futures. The meeting will discuss perspectives for a research program on sustainable gas supported by the Newton Fund.

During the workshop, scientists working in research institutions in the UK and in São Paulo will work on identifying key science themes, challenges and opportunities for collaboration. The Newton Fund will release soon a Call of Proposals with details on the submission and selection of projects.

The proposed goals for the Sustainable Gas Futures programme are to develop new methodologies for gas exploration and assess the role of gas in sustainable energy systems, delivering alternative views of the future of gas in low carbon energy systems and identify key sustainable technologies within those scenarios. The programme also aims to engage with current and possible future technology options throughout the gas value chain and develop common learning and understanding of the future of gas worldwide.


The São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) is a public institution with the mission of supporting science and technology research and development in the state of São Paulo. FAPESP selects and supports research projects in all fields of knowledge submitted by researchers associated with institutions of higher education and research in the state of São Paulo. The selection of projects is conducted through peer review, the methodology based on reviews issued by Brazilian and foreign researchers not associated with the Foundation. In 2014, the Foundation disbursed US$ 490 million to fund science and technology research projects.

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About Newton Fund

The Newton Fund is a £375 million fund over five years intended to promote the economic and social welfare of partner countries. The UK and Brazilian collaboration with strengthen research and innovation partnerships. It was launched by the Chancellor George Osborne during his visit to Brazil in April 2014. The Fund will invest £27 million (approximately R$ 94 million) until 2017 with Brazil. The programs awarded under the Newton Fund are between Brazilian and British institutions, and the Delivery Partners will be responsible for promoting the calls. The Fund is part of the UK’s Official Development Assistance (ODA) commitment to promote initiatives to strengthen social and economic development of emerging countries.

About NERC as a Newton Fund partner:

Research Councils UK (RCUK) is one of several UK delivery partners for the Newton Fund and will be working strategically with partner countries to develop a series of research activities to address challenges defined by the overarching ambitions of the Fund. Additional leverage may be achieved through private foundations, multi-lateral organisations or corporate partners. NERC will be running a number of calls and initiatives over the next five years supporting official development assistance. These will be with a range of Newton Fund partner countries and will include new research collaborations and capacity-building activities as well as building on existing NERC programmes.

For more information, visit:

Press information:


Fernando Cunha / +55 11.3838-4151

Samuel Antenor / +55 11.3838-4381

Newton Fund / Natural Environment Research Council (NERC)