
Report on Bioenergy and Sustainability Launch at the EU Sustainable Energy Week

Where next for Europe as we debate the role of bioenergy in the 2030 and 2050 time horizons? The Bioenergy & Sustainability report calls attention to the value of bioenergy as an alternative power source and as an option to reduce the impact of fossil fuel combustion.

The authors affirm that sufficient land is available worldwide for expansion of biomass cultivation, that most of this land is in Latin America and Africa, and that the use of these areas for bioenergy production would not represent a threat to food security and biodiversity under adequate conditions.

Moreover, they present evidence that soil improvement technologies, production chain integration and use of bioenergy byproducts could boost economic performance, enhance food quality, reduce pollution and create jobs.

The report highlights the opportunities for enhancement of energy security and mitigation of climate change through advanced biomass conversion technologies that would also help to offset the negative environmental impact of deforestation and land degradation due to agriculture and cattle grazing.

The authors concluded that bioenergy production systems based on sustainable practices help offset greenhouse gas emissions resulting from land use changes. These technologies and procedures include combinations of different feedstocks, use of co-products, integration of bioenergy with agriculture, pasture intensification, agro-ecological zoning, landscape-level planning, improving yields, and other land management practices adapted to local conditions.

The authors consider how bioenergy expansion impacts existing energy systems, food production, environmental and climate security, and sustainable development in both developed and developing regions. They present their science-based recommendations for policy formulation and for the deployment of a range of bioenergy use options such as liquid biofuels, bioelectricity, biogas and bio-based chemicals, amongst others, in different regions of the world.

The work was coordinated by scientists associated to FAPESP’s Research Programs on Bioenergy (BIOEN), Global Climate Change (RPGCC), and Biodiversity (BIOTA), with the collaboration of an international advisory committee and support by FAPESP and the Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment (SCOPE), an international non-governmental organization.

To download the 779-page report (open access):

Enquiries about the report should be addressed to Prof. Glaucia Souza

Souza, G. M., Victoria, R., Joly, C., & Verdade, L. (Eds.). (2015). Bioenergy & Sustainability: bridging the

gaps (p. 779). SCOPE Volume 72. Paris, France. ISBN 978-­2-9545557-0-­6


The Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment is an international nongovernmental organization founded in 1969. SCOPE is a cross‐sectoral and trans‐disciplinary network, connecting experts and institutions around the world. It is recognized for its authoritative, independent and influential scientific analyses and assessments of emerging environmental issues that are caused by or impact humans and the environment. It collaborates with inter‐governmental agencies such as UNESCO and UNEP and with other partners in the development of its scientific program and outreach activities.

About BE‐Basic Foundation

The BE-Basic Foundation is an international public‐private partnership that develops industrial viable, safe and ecologically friendly biobased solutions for the Biobased Economy. Our aim is developing true innovative bio-chemicals, biomaterials, bio-construction concepts and biobased monitoring tools. Societal embedding of the products, services and processes developed by BE-Basic are essential and is addressed specifically.

About FAPESP Research Programs

BIOEN, the FAPESP Bioenergy Research Program, aims at articulating public and private R&D, using academic and industrial laboratories to advance and apply knowledge in fields related to bioenergy in Brazil. Research ranges from biomass production and processing to biofuel technologies, biorefineries, sustainability and impacts.

The FAPESP Research Program on Global Climate Change (RPGCC) aims at advancing knowledge on Global Climate Change and guide decisions and policy in the field.

The BIOTA-FAPESP Program aims not only at discovering, mapping and analyzing the origins, diversity and distribution of the flora and fauna of the biomes of the state of São Paulo, but also at evaluating the possibilities of sustainable exploitation of plants or animals with economic potential and assisting in the formulation of conservation policies on remnants of native vegetation.

Report on Bioenergy and Sustainability

Launch at the EU Sustainable Energy Week

Organized by SCOPE, FAPESP and BE-Basic

Brussels, June 17th 2015

Committee of the Regions Building, 7th floor, 16:00-17:30

More information:

FAPESP media contacts:

Fernando Cunha / 55 11 38384151

Samuel Antenor / 55 11 38384381