SPRINT – 3rd Edition 2015 – Guideline: UNC Charlotte
(item 2.1.1 - “h” -
Call for Proposals for researchers from the University of North Carolina – Charlotte
to work with São Paulo-based researchers.
1. Objective
The São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) and the University of North Carolina (UNC) – Charlotte, signed a Cooperative Agreement for Research on April 23, 2014. With this agreement FAPESP and UNC Charlotte aim to implement scientific and technological cooperation between researchers from UNC Charlotte, The United States of America, and researchers from the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil, through the funding of joint research projects.
Under the referred Agreement, as a continuation of this fruitful collaboration, FAPESP and UNC Charlotte make public this Call for Proposals (CFP) for the exchange of faculty, postdoctoral researchers, and Ph.D. fellows, under the terms and conditions of the SPRINT 3rd Edition 2015 en/9592 and hereinafter set forth.
2. Eligibility
2.1 Eligibility to submit proposals within the scope of this CFP:
2.1.1 By UNC Charlotte :
a. The overarching goal will be to leverage the results of pilot projects into responses to existing and future joint calls for proposals issued from FAPESP and the US Federal government. Thus Principal Investigators currently funded by US Federal sources are encouraged to apply. A primary review criterion will be how well applicants can document how collaboration with a São Paulo-based researcher will increase their chances of additional US Federal funding. Documentation in the form of letters of intent to specific US Federal calls for proposals and summaries of conversations with program officers from US Federal Agencies are also encouraged.
b. Newly established Principal Investigators with start-up funds who can document how collaboration with a São Paulo-based Principal Investigator will increase their chances of initial US Federal funding are also encouraged to apply.
c. UNC Charlotte will accept only one proposal per researcher in any role.
2.2 Eligibility for the exchange activities within the scope of this Call
2.2.1 By UNC Charlotte:
a. Principal Investigators (PI);
b. Postdoctoral Fellows and Ph.D. Fellows may participate in the exchange missions but must do so via a proposal generated and award managed by with both São Paulo-based and UNC Charlotte-based Principal Investigators.
c. Masters level and Undergraduate students are currently ineligible to participate in the exchange missions.
3. Fields of knowledge
This Call for Proposals invites research proposals in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math.
4. Timeline
Call announced on FAPESP and UNC Charlotte websites |
July 28, 2015 |
Closing date for submission of proposals |
October 26, 2015 |
Successful proposals notified |
February 05, 2016 |
5. Duration of the project for the exchange of researchers
The maximum duration of each project is 12 months with an expected start date of March 1, 2016.
6. Funding principles
FAPESP will provide funding of up to ($20000 USD) per award per year and UNC Charlotte will provide funding of up to ($20000 USD) per award per year, for the duration of the grant to cover research-related mobility expenses, under the provisions of Clause 5 of the Scientific Cooperation Agreement established by the Parties (en/8598).
7. Proposal characteristics
The proposal, in English, consists of an identical research project to be submitted to both Parties and the required documentation for each Party (FAPESP and UNC Charlotte), under the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth and at SPRINT 3rd Edition 2015 en/9592. The exchange activities to be carried out by the Principal Investigators, Postdoctoral Fellows, and Ph.D. Fellows from São Paulo must contribute to the on-going research project funded by FAPESP.
7.1 A research project with a maximum of five (5) pages of scientific content, with one copy sent to UNC Charlotte and another copy sent to FAPESP, including the following items:
a. A substantive description of the exchange activities, emphasizing their relevance;
b. A timeline for each specific exchange mission, considering the resources established in this CFP;
c. Performance indicators for the planned activities;
d. A description of each candidate’s contribution to the mission, explaining their expertise to carry out the foreseen activities;
e. Foreseen actions adding to the impact of the exchange for UNC Charlotte and for the partnering institution(s) in the State of São Paulo (e.g. by means of seminars).
7.2 For UNC Charlotte researchers, a one-page summary of the current US Federal or start-up funded research project to which the mobility proposal relates, including:
a. Current and expected results;
b. A description of the project activities that will benefit from the exchange activities;
c. A description of the expected results for the research project and proposed exchange activities;
d. A description of the infrastructure and financial resources available for the research project, excluding the expenses requested in the proposal.
e. An explanation of the intended pathway to achieve additional US Federal and FAPESP funding.
7.2.1 In addition, the proposal must include the following documents, which are available fromUNC Charlotte:
a. UNC Charlotte Application Form
b. CV Summaries of the Principal Investigators from both São Paulo and UNC Charlotte and of all candidates for the exchange activities (guidelines at;
c. UNC Charlotte budget form
d. UNC Charlotte checklist
e. A copy of the Letter of Agreement between UNC Charlotte and the Higher Education and Research Institution in the State of São Paulo to which the PI from São Paulo is affiliated, including Intellectual Property rights, confidentiality, and publication, agreement, in observance of the policies of each funding Party. The Letter of Agreement is not mandatory for the submission of proposals, but no approved project will be contracted before the presentation of a copy of the signed Agreement.
8. Submission of proposals
8.1 Submissions to UNC Charlotte should be in the form all documents merged into a single PDF file and can only be accepted by emailing this PDF with SPRINT_FAPESP_UNCC in the subject line to
9. Result of the analysis
Final results will be announced on FAPESP ( and UNC Charlotte ( web portals and by means of a communication to the interested PIs.
10. Contract for selected projects
10.1 To UNC Charlotte
Selected proposals will subject to the conditions set forth in a letter of award.
11. Grant cancellation
UNC Charlotte may cancel funding of a UNC Charlotte researcher, if, during the grant timeframe, a fact is of sufficient gravity to justify cancellation, at the discretion of the program directors, without prejudice of any other appropriate actions.
12. Information about this Call at UNC Charlotte
All questions related to this Call for Proposals must be directed to:
UNC Charlotte: Lesley Brown