
Agencia Nacional de Investigación e Innovación de Uruguay (ANII) Versão em português

Agencia Nacional de Investigación e Innovación de Uruguay (ANII)

Areas of interest will be specified by a steering committee in each call for research proposals.

Cooperation agreement - Agreement signed on October 26, 2023, valid for five years (in Portuguese).

Cooperation agreement - Signed on July 13, 2015, with a validity of five years.

Call for proposals:

FAPESP, ANII, Conacyt and Conicet Joint Call for Proposals - Energy Transition (2023) | Selected proposals

FAPESP, ANII, Conicet, and IDRC 2021 - Artificial Intelligence for crisis management and the construction of resilience (2021) - There were no approved proposals.

FAPESP / ANII / Newton Fund (UK) Researcher Links Workshops 2016/2017 | Selected proposals

Research projects selected in joint calls with FAPESP

Page updated on 08/27/2024 - Published on 04/12/2016