Czech Science Foundation (GACR) and São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) Joint Call for Proposals 2019 Versão em português
Closing date: |
April 8th, 2019 |
FAPESP scheme: |
Regular Research Awards (with exceptionalities according to item 5.2) |
Maximum duration of the project: |
Up to 36 months |
Eligibility: |
Researchers affiliated with Higher Education or Research Institutions in the State of São Paulo – a preliminary eligibility consultation is obligatory (according to item 3.1.1). |
Submission of proposals: |
Through SAGe System for State of Sao Paulo investigators and through GRIS system for Czech investigators |
Contact FAPESP: |
Ana Paula Yokosawa, email - |
Contact GACR: |
Petra Tomešová, email - |
GACR scheme: | |
GACR Announcement of Opportunity: |
The São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP), Brazil, and the Czech Science Foundation, Czech Republic (GACR) announce an initiative to fund joint collaborative proposals in basic research in all fields of knowledge.
1. Introduction
FAPESP and GACR signed on November 5th, 2018, a Cooperation Agreement aiming to promote and strengthen collaboration between researchers from the State of São Paulo and the Czech Republic.
Under the scope of this Agreement, FAPESP and GACR launch the present Call for Proposals as a first initiative to implement and consolidate this partnership, open to researchers affiliated to Higher Education and Research Institutions in the State of São Paulo.
The researchers from the State of São Paulo who are interested in applying to this present Call must follow the instructions described in these guidelines.
Czech researchers must follow additional instructions from GACR at
GACR has an available budget of around 400 thousand euro for this call and FAPESP will match this funding up to the limit of 100 thousand Reals per project, per year, for projects of 36 terms of research efforts. It is envisaged that applications will be for a balanced partnership, not specifically in monetary terms but with equivalent research commitment and efforts from both sides. Each proposal should be an integrated Czech-Brazilian research project with both partners from the Czech Republic and the State of São Paulo who join their strengths to execute a joint research project. The research should be carried out both in the State of São Paulo and the Czech Republic.
2. Research Themes and Duration
Proposals for bilateral research projects between investigators from Czech Republic and the State of São Paulo (Brazil) can be submitted in any scientific domain, as long as it covers basic scientific research. The projects must start on January 1st, 2020, and the length of the project must be up to 36 months. Please note that the project duration must be the same on both sides.
3. Eligibility of Researchers
3.1. Eligible researchers for FAPESP:
Researchers eligible for FAPESP funding under the scope of this Call must be employees of public or private Higher Education or Research Institutions in the State of São Paulo and must meet the FAPESP eligibility requirements for the Regular Research Awards, described at (in its item 3.3).
1) Eligibility Consultation
a) Researchers from the State of São Paulo must consult FAPESP about their eligibility to this Call before starting the preparation of their proposals. FAPESP will issue and send to applicants a declaration concerning their eligibility within this Call. If positive, this Declaration of Eligibility must be included in the proposal as a PDF file by the time of the submission;
b) Applicants will have their eligibility evaluated within 20 days of the receiving of this request. Therefore, the consultation for eligibility must be sent out up to March 19th, 2019. Consultations sent after this date will not be considered;
c) The eligibility consultation must be sent exclusively to the e-mail with the following information:
i. Summarized CV in English of the Researcher from the State of São Paulo (as described at;
ii. Listing of any research grants from FAPESP;
iii. Name and affiliation of the foreigner partner researchers;
iv. Title and tentative summary of the proposal to be submitted;
v. Estimated budget to be requested to FAPESP;
vi. Estimated time to be devoted to the project (hours/week), considering the total time of the proponent´s ongoing research grants at FAPESP (up to 40 hours per week).
3.2. Eligible researchers for GACR:
Researchers eligible for GACR funding under the scope of this Call must be Researchers and Research Institutions in the Czech Republic and must meet the GACR eligibility requirements for the Entry Documentation for International Research projects – Call 2020, described at (item 2.2.) An Applicant shall mean a natural person, legal entity based in the Czech Republic, organizational unit of the State or self-governing territorial unit, or organizational unit of the Ministry of Defense or Ministry of the Interior, which is engaged in research and experimental development and which is applying for provision of targeted aid by submitting a project proposal.
4. Submission procedures
4.1. Each proposal must have a Principal Investigator in the State of São Paulo and one Principal Investigator in the Czech Republic;
4.2. The research project must be jointly conceived and written by the proponents from the State of São Paulo and from the Czech Republic;
4.3. The Principal Investigator from São Paulo must submit the collaborative proposal to FAPESP and the Principal Investigator from the Czech Republic must submit the collaborative proposal to GACR;
4.4. The closing date for the submission of proposals is the 8th of April 2019 (11:59pm local time for GACR and 11h59 pm local time for FAPESP) . No proposals will be accepted after the closing date for submission, nor will any addendum or explanation be accepted, unless those explicitly and formally requested by FAPESP or GACR. Proposals not received before the deadline or not in conformity to the specifications herein will be declared ineligible.
4.5. Proposals must be submitted in English to both agencies through their online systems:
Submission to FAPESP: The specific path for this opportunity is: Nova Proposta Inicial > + Outras Linhas de Fomento > + Acordos de Cooperação> + Czech Research Foundation (GACR)> + Projeto de Pesquisa Regular> + FAPESP/GACR Joint Call
Submission to GACR: The proposal must be submitted by the Czech PI through the online application GRIS which is accessible via GACR website
4.6. After the deadline, GACR and FAPESP will check whether the proposals have been submitted simultaneously in Czech Republic and the State of São Paulo. They will inform each other of the results. If a proposal is submitted only in one country and/or received after the deadline, it will be declared ineligible.
4.7. Applicants must note that the funding agencies retain the right to reject applications where they fail to comply with the procedures set out in these guidelines.
5. Funding modalities and eligible costs
5.1. Eligible costs for GACR:
The Czech part of the project budget can only be used for one or more of the following cost categories:
a) Scientific staff;
b) Consumables;
c) Equipment;
d) Travel costs of Czech researchers going to Brazil;
e) To cover accommodation, daily allowances and local travel costs of Brazilian researchers staying in Czech Republic;
f) To cover production costs of joint publications.
All costs have to be specified in the Czech proposal and must be written in accordance with GACR rules stipulated in the public tender documentation -
5.2. Eligible costs for FAPESP:
1) Funding and eligible costs must be in accordance with FAPESP norms for the Regular Research Awards (, considering, exceptionally for this Call, a maximum budget of R$ 100 thousand Reals per year for 36 months , which must include all applicable overheads (;
2) Eligible costs to FAPESP are:
a) Consumables;
b) Services;
c) Small equipment (below R$100.000,00);
d) Travel costs of Brazilian researchers going to Czech Republic
e) Technical Training Fellowships (;
Obs.: Please be aware that personnel costs cannot be covered.
6. Application timeline
Call announcement at FAPESP and GACR website |
February 22nd, 2019 |
FAPESP deadline for pre-consultation eligibility |
March 19th, 2019 |
Deadline for submission of Proposals to FAPESP and GACR |
April 08th, 2019 |
Notification of the outcomes |
November 25th, 2019 |
Expected start of funded projects |
January 1st, 2020 |
7. Assessment and Selection
7.1. Evaluation Procedure
The applicants shall respect the evaluation procedure outlined by GACR and FAPESP. Proposals that do not comply with the established in this Call will not be qualified for merit analysis. Proposals considered eligible for this opportunity will be evaluated using a three-step procedure:
1) FAPESP and GACR will proceed with a peer-review analysis according to standard procedures of each Institution. The systematic of analysis used by FAPESP is available at Meanwhile, each eligible application submitted at GACR will be peer-reviewed by Czech expert panels and international external referees;
2) After the peer-review analysis, the proposals proceed to an Evaluation Panel on the following overarching criteria:
a) International scientific level of the research groups including the composition of the research team
b) Complementarity of the included research teams and their expertise
c) Methodology
d) Originality and innovative nature of the project
e) Importance of the project
f) Purposefulness of the project
g) Feasibility/focus of the project
h) Collaboration and coordination between research departments
i) Scientific context (appropriateness, expertise, and infrastructure) of the research departments
j) Necessity for the budgeted resources
In addition, great importance is attached to the added value of the international collaboration, the complementarity/synergy between the partners, the contribution/coordination of research tasks, and the exchange of researchers.
3) The partner agencies will then exchange recommendations and will jointly determine which proposals will be recommended for funding.
The funding recommendation is irrevocable and therefore no redress procedure is possible.
8. Intellectual properties
8.1. a. In case of approval, a Letter of Agreement (or “Consortium Agreement”) has to be formulated between the partner Host Institutions (from the Czech Republic and from the State of São Paulo), establishing how Intellectual Property rights, confidentiality and publications will be treated jointly, in observance of the policies of each Funding Agencies and Host Institutions. Please note that no specific format for this agreement will be provided by GACR or FAPESP.
8.2. The presentation of this “Letter of Agreement” is mandatory before the signature of the grant contract in case of the FAPESP funding.
9. Contact information
Researchers from the State of São Paulo: specific questions to FAPESP about the Call for Proposals should be sent to Ana Paula Yokosawa at
Researchers from the Czech Republic: specific questions to GACR about the Call for Proposals should be sent to
Petra Tomešová
Division of Secretariat, International Affairs and Public Relations
T +420 227 088 896