
ERC – CONFAP – CNPq Call: Research opportunities in Europe for researchers from Brazil Versão em português



Call announced:

10 April 2019

Closing date for notification of intent:

29 May 2019

Closing date for submission of proposals:

30 June 2019

Results announced on:

30 August 2019

FAPESP scheme:

Fellowship for Research Abroad

Maximum duration of the project:

12 months


to FAPESP (SAGe) and to ERC/CONFAP (

Call published at ERC:

Call published at CONFAP:

Contact details:

FAPESP: Carolina Costa

CONFAP: Elisa Natola




The Brazilian National Council of State Funding Agencies – CONFAP and the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) invite researchers from Brazil to pursue research collaborations with Principal Investigators already supported through EU-funded European Research Council (ERC) grants.


The present call for Expression of Interest is launched in the framework of:

• The Implementing Arrangement between the European Commission and the Brazilian National Council of State Funding Agencies (CONFAP) to provide research opportunities in Europe for Brazilian researchers, signed on the 13th of October 2016, and

• The Administrative Arrangement between the Directorate-General for Research and Innovation of the European Commission (DG RTD), on the one side, and the Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), the Brazilian Funding Agency for Studies (FINEP) and Projects and the Brazilian National Council of State Funding Agencies (CONFAP), on the other side, on the mechanisms to support EU-Brazil cooperation in research and innovation activities, signed on the 22 nd of May 2018.


Eligible researchers from Brazil are:

• Active researchers from Brazil, holding a PhD, who are implementing research activities within Brazilian universities, institutes or research centers.

Additional eligibility criteria may be requested by the supporting Funding Agencies, which shall, in such cases, publish specific guidelines.


The ERC Executive Agency (ERCEA) has provided a list of ERC-funded principal investigators interested in hosting Brazilian Researchers in their research teams, for short or longer periods (up to 12 months).

ERC-funded projects, which are open to hosting Brazilian researchers, cover a wide range of scientific fields and have been selected by the European Commission and the ERC, within the following evaluation panels:

a. Molecular and Structural Biology and Biochemistry

b. Genetics, Genomics, Bioinformatics and Systems Biology

c. Cellular and Developmental Biology

d. Physiology, Pathophysiology and Endocrinology

e. Neurosciences and Neural Disorders

f. Immunity and Infection

g. Diagnostic Tools, Therapies and Public Health

h. Evolutionary, Population and Environmental Biology

i. Applied life Sciences and Non-Medical Biotechnology

j. Mathematics

k. Fundamental Constituents of Matter

l. Condensed Matter Physics

m. Physical and Analytical Chemical Sciences

n. Synthetic Chemistry and Materials

o. Computer Science and Informatics

p. Systems and Communication Engineering

q. Products and Processes Engineering

r. Universe Sciences

s. Earth System Science

t. Markets, Individuals and Institutions

u. Institutions, Values, Beliefs and Behaviour

v. Environment, Space and Population

w. The Human Mind and Its Complexity

x. Cultures and Cultural Production

y. The Study of the Human Past

z. Synergy 

4.1 Modalities of implementation:

Expression of Interest of Researchers from Brazil

I. Eligible researchers shall need to access the online portal, available at the link: and fill in the items listed below.

a. Name and Surname

b. CPF

c. Institution: university, institute or research centre where the main research activities are carried out

d. Brazilian State where the main research activities are carried out

e. Active grants, projects or contracts in which the researcher is currently involved

f. Academic degree

g. Contacts (email and phone)

II. Following such request, eligible researchers will be able to access, within the same portal, information about the ERC-funded projects that may host interested Brazilian researchers, including the description of their respective ERC-funded projects and contacts.

III. Proposals may be sent in partnership with ERC-grantees not listed in the portal, accompanied by evidence that the ERC proposal is still valid for 18 months from the start of the Brazil-ERC collaborative activities.

IV. Researchers from Brazil have to contact the Principal Investigator holding the ERC grant of the project that is of interest and must reach with him an agreement on the possibility of joining his research team, as well as jointly define a Work Plan and related conditions.

V. Researchers from Brazil have to submit their proposal, in the dedicated portal, following agreements taken with the Principal Investigator holding the ERC grant and according to the orientations in Item no. 6.

VI. Assessment of the proposals shall be done by the participating FAPs with the coordination of CONFAP and by CNPq.

VII. Results are then communicated to the ERC and to the Principal Investigator holding the ERC grant, and are subsequently published.


Scientific exchanges shall start in the second semester of 2019 and can be either performed on a more extended timeframe (i.e. lasting 6 to 12 months) or be divided in multiple and shorter visits, i.e. to perform joint experimentation or similar research activities.

Eligible researchers from Brazil will continue to receive their salaries and/or scholarship according to their institutional terms and conditions. The Brazilian State Funding Agencies participating in the present call or CNPq will provide support for travel expenses.

Visiting researchers from Brazil which shall be incorporated into the research teams of the ERC-funded Principal Investigators (at the Host Institution of the ERC project), for the duration of the visit, may receive support from the ERC grant, and such funding shall be negotiated and defined by the ERC funded Principal Investigators and the researchers from Brazil.

The ERC-funded Principal Investigators are expected to establish and decide in advance, with the visiting researcher from Brazil, the research conditions, which should offer an enabling environment for the research visits and be in line with the applicable national law and any other rules and regulations applicable on the Host institution.

The costs, which can be reimbursed under the ERC grant, must be eligible within the terms of the grant and the maximum amount of the ERC grant cannot be increased for this purpose.

Eligible cost categories include:

a) subsistence costs on a per diem basis, or any other applicable modality of the Host Institution, in accordance with the applicable national law and any other rules or regulations applicable on the Host Institution, commensurate to the level of experience of the individual visiting researcher;

b) any other eligible costs incurred during the visit of the researchers from Brazil that are directly related to the ERC-funded project.  


After having contacted the ERC Grantees, following orientations detailed in item 4.1, proposals must include all the documents listed below:

1. Curriculum Vitae;

2. Work Plan, facilities and resources that the ERC-funded Principal Investigator and Host Institution shall provide to the visiting researcher from Brazil;

3. Letter of Acceptance from the University or Research center of Origin of the researcher from Brazil;

4. Letter of Acceptance from the ERC-funded Principal Investigator, indicating his consent on integrating the researcher from Brazil in his team and on his proposal and Work Plan;

5. Letter of Acceptance from the Host Institution in Europe, which confirms the availability to receive the researcher from Brazil in the terms and timing foreseen in the Work Plan.

Researchers from Brazil should, in first instance, contact their respective FAP or CNPq in order to verify if specific additional orientations are provided.

Researchers from Brazil must submit their proposals within the Call’s link:

Researchers from the States of São Paulo, Minas Gerais and Pernambuco must send proposals within the Call’s link mentioned above and also directly to:

• FAPESP:, following the specific guidelines for FAPESP.
• FAPEMIG:, following the specific guidelines for FAPEMIG.
• FACEPE:, following the specific guidelines for FACEPE.


Assessment criteria are based on the unique criteria of Scientific Excellence, in coherence and in order to be aligned with ERC grants.

Scientific Excellence shall consider the academic background, quality, publications, technological development, participation in public, private, national or international funded projects.

Scientific excellence shall also consider the Work Plan, which is presented as well as the impact and importance of the collaboration for the Brazilian context.

Originality, innovation and feasibility shall also be assessed in this framework.


I. Expression of Interest: the interested researchers from Brazil should express their interest in having access information about the ERC-funded projects within the deadline: 29 th of May 2019.

II. Full proposal: complete proposals, covering all the documents requested in Item no. 6, must be submitted within the deadline:30th of June 2019.

Results shall be published on:

CONFAP’s webpage:

CNPq’s webpage:


According to the funding modalities detailed in Item no. 5, the present call is supported by CNPq and by the following Brazilian State Funding Agencies:

1. Paraná - Fundação Araucária

2. Pernambuco- FACEPE

3. Federal District - FAPDF

4. Alagoas - FAPEAL

5. Amapá - FAPEAP

6. Amazonas - FAPEAM

7. Goiás - FAPEG

8. Maranhão - FAPEMA

9. Mato Grosso - FAPEMAT

10. Minas Gerais - FAPEMIG

11. Piauí - FAPEPI

12. Rio Grande do Sul - FAPERGS

13. Rio de Janeiro - FAPERJ

14. Espírito Santo - FAPES

15. Bahia - FAPESB

16. Santa Catarina - FAPESC

17. São Paulo – FAPESP

18. Pará - FAPESPA

19. Paraíba - FAPESQ

20. Sergipe - FAPITEC

21. Mato Grosso do Sul - FUNDECT

22. Ceará - FUNCAP 


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