
FAPESP announces results of Generic Call for Proposals 2024 with ANR Versão em português

12 projects were selected to be led by researchers from France and the state of São Paulo.

FAPESP announces the results of the Generic Call for Proposals 2024 with the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR), which aims to select and support projects conducted in partnership by researchers from France and higher education and research institutions in the State of São Paulo.

This was the 17th call under the terms of the cooperation agreement between FAPESP and ANR.

The 2024 edition expanded its scope of action in relation to the previous call, proposing six thematic blocks for the development of research projects: Engineering, Chemistry and Physics; Computer Science and Mathematics; Materials Science; Social Sciences and Humanities; Environment, Ecosystems and Biological Resources; and the new axis of Immunology, Infectious Diseases and Neurosciences.

Selected proposals:

ENTERVIew – Exploring the dual role of CD98hc in human erythropoiesis and vivax malaria
FAPESP Grant: 2024/04280-2
PI: Marcelo Urbano Ferreira
Host Institution: Inst Biociências Botucatu/USP
PI abroad: Sylvie Garcia
Host Institution Abroad: Institut Pasteur

CharaSex - Sex chromosomes evolution in Characoidei fishes
FAPESP Grant: 2024/03891-8
PI: Fausto Foresti
Host Institution: Inst Biociências Botucatu/UNESP
PI abroad: Yann Guiguen
Host Institution Abroad: Institut National de Recherche pour l'Agriculture, l'Alimentation et l'Environnement

ACT-COFFEE - Addressing climate change threats to coffee production: Investigating proline and energetic metabolism for enhanced coffee tree drought resilience
FAPESP Grant: 2024/04715-9
PI: Ivan de Godoy Maia
Host Institution: Inst Biociências Botucatu/UNESP
PI abroad: Arnould Savoure
Host Institution Abroad: Sorbonne Université

DIGINTER - Digital Labour Markets Intermediaries at work in comparative perspective
FAPESP Grant: 2024/04799-8
PI: Nadya Araujo Guimarães
Host Institution: Centro Brasileiro Analise Planejamento/CEBRAP
PI abroad: Léa Lima
Host Institution Abroad: Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers

DNN4Photonics - Deep Neural Networks for the design of photonic devices
FAPESP Grant: 2024/04835-4
PI: Hugo Enrique Hernandez Figueroa
Host Institution: Fac Engenheria Eletrica Computação/Unicamp
PI abroad: Stéphane Lanteri
Host Institution Abroad: Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique, Sophia Antipolis - Méditerranée

FinPlanet - Unsustainable planetary financialization. Economic specialization, capital markets and environmental degradation in the production of space in France and Brazil (FinPlanet)
FAPESP Grant: 2024/04684-6
PI: Lucia Zanin Shimbo
Host Institution: Inst Arquitetura Urbanismo São Carlos/USP
PI abroad: Ludovic Halbert
Host Institution Abroad: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique

GENNIAL - Gelling non-Newtonian drops impacting on liquids: experiments, numerical simulations, and AI-empowered
FAPESP Grant: 2024/04769-1
PI: Cassio Machiaveli Oishi
Host Institution: Fac Ciências Tecnologia Presidente Prudente/UNESP
PI abroad: Anselmo Soeiro Pereira
Host Institution Abroad: PSL Mines ParisTech

RAISES - Remote Advanced Infrared optical fibers Sensors based on Soft glasses (RAISES)
FAPESP Grant: 2024/04675-7
PI: Danilo Manzani
Host Institution: Inst Quimica São Carlos/USP
PI abroad: Frédéric Désévédavy
Host Institution Abroad: Université de Bourgogne

RELAQS - Non-thermal fixed points during RELAxation of far-from-equilibrium Quantum gaseS
FAPESP Grant: 2024/04637-8
PI: Vanderlei Salvador Bagnato
Host Institution: Inst Física São Carlos/USP
PI abroad: Hélène Perrin
Host Institution Abroad: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique

STUDYCEM - Structure and Dynamics in Oxide Conducting Catalytic Ceramics
FAPESP Grant: 2024/04662-2
PI: Hellmut Eckert
Host Institution: Inst Física São Carlos/USP
PI abroad: Tzonka Ivanova Mineva
Host Institution Abroad: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique

THERMOGAMAS - Thermodynamical and geometrical approach to multi dimensional aperiodic structures
FAPESP Grant: 2024/04685-2
PI: Eduardo Garibaldi
Host Institution: Inst Matemática Estatística Computação Cientifica/Unicamp
PI abroad: Philippe Thieullen
Host Institution Abroad: Université de Bordeaux, Campus de Carreire/Victoire

VersASIC - Versatile readout ASIC for Micro Patterned Gaseous Detectors
FAPESP Grant: 2024/04802-9
PI: Wilhelmus Adrianus Maria Van Noije
Host Institution: Esc Politécnica/USP
PI abroad: Damien Neyret
Host Institution Abroad: Centre CEA de Saclay