
Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) Versão em português

Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR)

The collaboration covers the implementation of joint research projects on topics of common interest and the exchange of knowledge and results.

For each of the approved research projects, ANR will assume the funding of the French research teams and FAPESP will assume the same for the teams of the State of São Paulo, according to each country's rules and regulations and the institutions' budget availability.

Agreement - Agreement signed December 22, 2011, validity of five years.

First Amendment - Signed December 21, 2016, validity of five years.

Second Amendment - Signed December 22, 2021, validity of five years.

Call for proposals:

Research projects selected in joint calls with FAPESP

Agreement – FAPESP, Facepe and Agence Nationale de la Recherche

Page updated on 09/12/2024 - Published on 12/27/2011