Calls for Proposals

FAPESP launches two calls for proposals with the South African research foundation Versão em português

Opportunities with the National Research Foundation will fund research mobility projects and bilateral scientific collaborations between researchers.

FAPESP announces the launch of two calls for proposals in partnership with South Africa's research funding agency, the National Research Foundation (NRF). Both opportunities are open to receive proposals for bilateral scientific collaborations until March 31, 2025.

One of the calls is part of the CORE Program, an initiative under the cooperation agreement ( between the foundations that focuses on supporting Collaborative Research (CORE) activities between South African and São Paulo researchers.

This is a step after the 2023 bilateral call which, in addition to having promoted the holding of International Scientific Seminars (ISS) by research groups from both countries, encouraged its organizers to present at the end of it a clear joint research project, which could be submitted for long-term financial support.

Proposals should conduct studies according to the following priority areas of research, considering them separately or together: emerging perspectives on the state of democracy and citizenship in South Africa and Brazil; race, gender and social inequalities; social violence; crime, policing and public security; space, place, built environment and identity in peripheral neighborhoods, informal settlements and favelas; indigenous knowledge systems and environmental sustainability; arts and culture and the ethics of the human being; and Digital Archiving/Digital Curation and Heritage.

FAPESP foresees a maximum funding of R$ 600,000.00 per project. Selected proposals will be supported for up to 36 months.

The other call will support mobility activities, aiming at the development of new partnerships between research groups through support for exchanges in the context of joint research activities. FAPESP will fund projects with a duration of up to two years with a maximum of R$ 400,000.00.

The call accepts proposals from all areas of knowledge and is aimed particularly at emerging researchers – postdoctoral researchers and researchers up to 40 years of age at the time of application and who have obtained their PhD in the last 7 years.

Both calls require proposals to be written jointly, in English, between the Principal Investigator (PI) from South Africa and the PI from the state of São Paulo. Each PI must send the proposal to the development agency of their territory. At FAPESP, submissions will be accepted exclusively through SAGe.

(Photo: Tânia Rego / Agência Brasil)